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A Telegram bot enabling seamless Solana token purchases, swaps, DCA strategies, and price alerts.


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Solana Token Purchase Telegram Bot

Table of Contents


The Solana Token Purchase Telegram Bot is a comprehensive solution that allows users to seamlessly purchase Solana tokens through Telegram. Integrating with Mercuryo for fiat-to-crypto on-ramping and Jupiter API for token swaps, this bot simplifies crypto investments, making them accessible and convenient. Key features include:

  • Seamless fiat-to-SOL on-ramping
  • Integration with major Solana DEX aggregators for token swaps
  • Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) functionality
  • Price movement alerts with buy/sell confirmations
  • User-friendly Telegram interface for all operations


  • Fiat-to-Crypto On-Ramping: Purchase SOL using fiat currency via Mercuryo.
  • Token Swapping: Swap SOL for other Solana tokens using Jupiter API.
  • DCA Strategies: Set up automated, recurring purchases of SOL.
  • Price Alerts: Receive notifications when a token reaches a specified price.
  • Secure Wallet Generation: Automatic creation of a Solana wallet upon starting the bot.
  • User Data Encryption: Secure storage of sensitive user data using encryption.


Before setting up the application, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js (version 14 or higher)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)
  • MongoDB instance (local or hosted)
  • Mercuryo API credentials
  • Telegram account
  • Telegram Bot Token (obtained via BotFather)
  • Basic understanding of command-line operations


Clone the Repository

git clone
cd solana-telegram-bot

Install Dependencies

npm install


Create Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the backend directory:

touch .env

Open the .env file and add the following configurations:



  • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: Obtain this from the BotFather on Telegram.
  • MERCURYO_API_KEY and MERCURYO_API_SECRET: Sign up on Mercuryo and get your API credentials.
  • MONGODB_URI: Provide your MongoDB connection string. If running locally, it might be mongodb://localhost:27017/solana_bot.
  • SOLANA_RPC_URL: Use the default unless you have a custom Solana RPC endpoint.
  • ENCRYPTION_KEY: Generate a 32-byte (256-bit) encryption key in hexadecimal format (64 hex characters). This key is used to encrypt users' private keys.

Important: Keep the .env file secure and never commit it to version control.

Initialize the Database

Ensure MongoDB is running. If you're using a local MongoDB instance, start it with:


If using a hosted MongoDB service (like MongoDB Atlas), ensure your connection string in .env is correct.

Running the Application

Compile TypeScript to JavaScript

npx tsc

Start the Application

node dist/index.js

For development purposes, you can use nodemon to automatically restart the application when changes are detected:

npm install -g nodemon
nodemon dist/index.js


Starting the Bot

  1. Open Telegram and search for your bot using its username.
  2. Click on Start or send the /start command.

Example Output:

Welcome to the Solana Purchase Bot!
Your wallet address is: Your_Solana_Wallet_Address

Purchasing SOL

Use the /buy command followed by the amount in USD.

Command Format:

/buy <amount_in_usd>


/buy 100

Bot Response:

Please complete your purchase here: [Payment Link]

Click on the payment link to proceed with the transaction via Mercuryo.

Swapping Tokens

Use the /swap command to swap SOL for another Solana token.

Command Format:

/swap <input_mint_address> <output_mint_address> <amount_in_lamports>


  • input_mint_address: The mint address of the token you want to swap from (e.g., SOL).
  • output_mint_address: The mint address of the token you want to swap to.
  • amount_in_lamports: The amount you want to swap, in lamports (1 SOL = 1,000,000,000 lamports).


/swap So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112 <TokenMintAddress> 1000000000

Bot Response:

Best quote found: X tokens for 1 SOL input. Confirm swap?
[Confirm Button]

Click Confirm to proceed with the swap.

Setting Up Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)

Use the /dca command to set up a DCA strategy.

Command Format:

/dca <amount_in_usd> <cron_expression>


Set up a DCA to purchase $50 every day at 9 AM:

/dca 50 0 9 * * *

Bot Response:

Your DCA strategy has been set up.

Understanding Cron Expressions:

* * * * * *
| | | | | |
| | | | | +--- Day of the Week (0-7) (Sunday=0 or 7)
| | | | +----- Month (1-12)
| | | +------- Day of the Month (1-31)
| | +--------- Hour (0-23)
| +----------- Minute (0-59)
+------------- Second (0-59)

Setting Price Alerts

Use the /setalert command to set up price movement alerts.

Command Format:

/setalert <token_id> <above|below> <price_in_usd>


Set an alert for Solana when it goes above $150:

/setalert solana above 150

Bot Response:

Your price alert has been set.

Security Considerations

  • Protect Your Bot Token: Ensure your Telegram bot token is kept secret.
  • Encryption Key: The ENCRYPTION_KEY is used to encrypt users' private keys. Keep it secure.
  • Do Not Share Private Keys: The bot manages private keys securely. Do not expose or share them.
  • Use Secure Connections: Ensure all connections to APIs and databases use secure protocols (HTTPS, SSL/TLS).
  • Regular Updates: Keep dependencies up to date to patch security vulnerabilities.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with KYC/AML regulations in your jurisdiction.


  • Bot Not Responding: Ensure the bot is running without errors. Check logs for any issues.
  • Database Connection Errors: Verify that MongoDB is running and the MONGODB_URI is correct.
  • Invalid Commands: Ensure you're using the correct command formats as specified.
  • Cron Expression Errors: Use a cron expression validator if you're unsure about the format.
  • API Errors: Check your API keys and ensure they are valid and have the necessary permissions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



A Telegram bot enabling seamless Solana token purchases, swaps, DCA strategies, and price alerts.







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  • TypeScript 100.0%