What's Changed
- Add feature to filter when listing products by @Crinibus in #255
- Fix function 'get_product_infos_from_products' by @Crinibus in #256
- Remove characters other than digits, commas (,) and periods (.) when getting price for Amazon by @Crinibus in #258
- Fix function 'show_master_products' - don't print 'No products found' when products are found by @Crinibus in #260
- Don't uppercase product name or category when printing info or in visualize title by @Crinibus in #261
- Store product name in database as is if not match with a key in settings.ini by @Crinibus in #262
- Add if-statement to print if no products found in function 'print_latest_datapoints_for_products' by @Crinibus in #263
Full Changelog: v3.2.2...v3.3.0