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Cleaning up Windows 10 and 11 could be a long process with many detailed steps, we're trying to cover most of them automatically. If you prefer an interactive method, please check Chris Titus and O&O ShutUp10++

Please read entirely before proceding!

Because the script is deleting tracking services, some Antivirus software may block the process, if that is the case, antivirus may be manualy stopped and restarted after the cleanup.

This is a long script and it can take (from my tests) anywhere between 10-30 minutes depending on the computer speed.

For our purpose here we need the five files saved in the same location and run WinClean.bat file that will elevate itself asking Administrator permission so it can run. The file "setup.bat" will download and run all the scripts. Here are the 5 files needed

  • WinClean.bat - The main cleanup script - will call the other scripts automatically
  • WinClean.ps1 - contains some extended Powershell scripts too big to be called inside a batch file
  • OneDrive-uninstall.ps1 - dedicated Microsoft OneDrive uninstall script
  • Edge-uninstall.ps1 - dedicated Microsoft Edge uninstall script
  • the "hosts" file contains a list of bad websites, known for moral or controversial issues! Loaded to the right place, it will provide a first-hand protection to any computer. It may be attacked by some Antivirus Software.

The scrips will run automatically removing most of the bloatware and leaving a clean and lightweight Operating System

Setting up a a CLEAN COMPUTER:

  1. First step is to obtain a clean copy of the operating system directly from source.
  1. Any new computer comes preloaded with bloatware, no matter where it was purchased, so first thing to do is to wipe clean the internal Drive, so we can start from scratch! (I will include details later)
  2. With computer disconnected from internet, we start the installation from the created USB
  3. Once installed, we copy the cleanup files in a dedicated location, for example Downloads and we run the WinClean.bat script
  4. After restart we connect to the internet and Activate Windows then we can run the script again so it will be able to run the online commands as well

Important Notes:

-"FileTypes" is just a collection of example files that helps with File Association


Clean-up ideas for a faster and lighter Windows OS







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