A checklist for important questions to be prepared for internship/ placement interviews
This checklist would be helpful for college students appearing in college interviews and would save them the time of going through every random link on the web.
Student A, is preparing for interviews and finds a relevent resource. He adds his discovery to the interview-checklist, Student B opens the interview checklist and gets to understand the concept thus saving time. He finds another one and adds it to the checklist. Student A later opens the checklist to study the new concept. Thus, both save their time by helping each other.
So, everyone while you are preparing to appear in interviews, help others and take help from others to get better :)
- fork the repository
- clone your copy of the repository
- add items to
using github's own markdown- add the topic
- add the relevant link
- add tags eg.
dynamic programming
- commit the changes
- make a pull request to add the changes to the main repository
- your changes will be added to the main repository