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CoderSherlock committed Apr 19, 2024
1 parent c59459f commit 3bd704c
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions _config.yml
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Expand Up @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
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title : "STSD"
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "Language & timezone"
My personal blog, some contents are useful, the others are not. Just like my mediocre life.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion _posts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ TL;DR: Bumping up to level 5 would satisfy most debugging needs.
By the time, this note was written. In `kubelet` related code, level 8 was only used in `pkg/kubelet/prober/prober_manager.go` and level 7 was only used in `pkg/kubelet/logs/container_log_manager.go`. And there are 11 occurrences that level 6 was used, and all of them are not part of workload lifecycle related.

## Further readings
[Inotify watcher leaks in Kubelet]
[Inotify watcher leaks in Kubelet](/posts/inotify-watcher-leaks-in-kubelet.html)
154 changes: 149 additions & 5 deletions _posts/
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@@ -1,12 +1,156 @@
layout: post
title: Inotify watcher leaks in Kubelet
date: 2024-04-11 16:35 -0400
date: 2024-04-18 16:35 -0400
cover: '/static/2024-04/kubelet_inotify_leak_logo.png'
published: false
tags: ["Kubernetes", "Kubelet", "Debug", "Inotify"]
published: true
sitemap: true
author: Pengzhan Hao

## Symptom
Recently, I faced an issue where Kubelet on a node reported error message failed to create file descriptors.

error creating file watcher: too many open files
error creating file watcher: no space left on device

After short checking, I found the node has `max_user_watches` of 10000, but the `TotalinotifyWatches` is beyond this value. (P. S still not sure why watcher can initiate more than cap). In order to find which process occupied the most watchers. I used following command[^flbit_ino] to find it out.

echo -e "COUNT\tPID\tUSER\tCOMMAND"; sudo find /proc/[0-9]*/fdinfo -type f 2>/dev/null | sudo xargs grep ^inotify 2>/dev/null | cut -d/ -f 3 | uniq -c | sort -nr | { while read -rs COUNT PID; do echo -en "$COUNT\t$PID\t"; ps -p $PID -o user=,command=; done}

7491 8412 root /home/kubernetes/bin/kubelet --v=2 --cloud-provide=gce --experi
2620 1 root /sbin/init
Surprisingly, Kubelet initiated more than 7000 inotify watchers. I assumed there was an inotify leakage in Kubelet.
## Leakage check
### Clean Kubelet
To better understand the situation, I created a clean cluster with only 1 clean node on GKE. Roughly 70 inotify watchers were there. I created a single nginx pod and the number increased by 3. Theoretically, these 3 watchers are used by Kubelet to monitor any changes on `rootfs `, `kube-api-access` and `PodSandbox`. But to verify it, we need to check more details on which inodes are monitored by Kubelet.
### Check inotify file descriptors
To do so, let's take a look how to track a single inotify file descriptor. Opened processes' `fdinfo` folder, we can examine each or them to find an inotify fd.
# Find kubelet pid
ps -aux | grep kubelet

# File the an example fd
sudo ls /proc/2430/fdinfo

0 1 10 11 12 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


sudo cat /proc/2430/fdinfo/8

pos: 0
flags: 02004000
mnt_id: 15
ino: 1057
inotify wd:1 ino:3f327 sdev:800001 mask:fc6 ignored_mask:0 fhandle-bytes:8 fhandle-type:1 f_handle:27f30300e5059ea2
This is very confusing, so I rely on `man proc`[^man_proc] to understand every piece of them. In given fd, the needed information to continue sit in the last line. It's an inotify entry represents the 1 file or folder to be monitored. And the most useful data is `ino:3f327` which represents the inode number of target file (in hexadecimal). And `sdev:800001`, which represents the ID of device where the inode sit on, and it's also in hex.
Using `lsblk`, I can see there's only 1 disk I'm using on the node, so finding the target file would be easy.
# Cast to decimal

# Find the target file
loc="debugfs -R 'ncheck ${dec}' /dev/sda1"
sudo eval $loc 2>/dev/null

debugfd 1.46.5 (30-Dec-2021)
Inode Pathname
258855 /etc/srv/kubernetes/pki/ca-certificates.crt
Put all processes above into one single script, I can retrieve all target files, that would help to understand if there's a real leakage. Also, I count the unique inode amount, this could also help to know which inode are monitored multiple times.
cat << EOF | sudo tee -a
echo "kubelet pid="${PID}
in_fds=$(find /proc/${PID}/fdinfo -type f 2>/dev/null | xargs grep ^inotify | cut -d " " -f 3 | cut -d ":" -f 2)
echo ${in_fds}
echo "Count: $(find /proc/${PID}/fdinfo -type f 2>/dev/null | xargs grep ^inotify | wc -l)"
uniq_fds=$(echo "${in_fds[@]}" | sort | uniq)
echo ${uniq_fds}
while read -r element;
count=$(echo "${in_fds[@]}" | grep -o "${element}" | wc -l)
loc="debugfs -R 'ncheck ${dec}' /dev/sda1"
loc=$(eval $loc 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 4)
printf "%-6s %-10s %-6s %s\n" "${element}" "${dec}" "${count}" "${loc}"
done <<< "${uniq_fds}"
sudo bash
kubelet pid=2430
3f327 3f321 ...
Count: 120
1 10b 1259 128a ...
1 1 72 Inode Pathname
10b 267 1 267 /etc/systemd/system/
The given results are consists by following parts:
- One line for get Kubelet pid
- One line for all target inode numbers
- One line for tell how many unique inode (120)
- One line of sorted target
- Following 120 lines, each of them represents a unique inode number, its decimal number, count, another time of decimal number and the target file path.
I used the same script to the problematic node, and it showed the following result. In summary, most Kubelet watchers were targeting `ino:1 `. And there are 6649 targets files, which likely to be leakage, because there were only 150 pods on this pod. Unfortunately, `debugfs` can't find any target files, so the output showed as meaningless string `"Inode Pathname"`.
kubelet pid=8412
Count: 7491
1 1 6649 Inode Pathname
### Bad apple
Why `debugfs` can't help anymore? The reason is simple, each cgroup for a pod is using its own rootfs. This means the watcher are somehow residing on different rootfs and using independent inode index. There are some other ways to do it, I choose the most common tool `grep` to find out.
sudo grep / -inum 1
This turns things easy, because I can just use pod ID to compare between running pods to find out if there are any terminated pods are there. And it did show there's some non-existence pods still being watched somehow.
## What to expect next
- [How Kubelet leaked inotify watchers?]()
- [debugfs]()
## References
[^flbit_ino]: [Fluentbit error "cannot adjust chunk size" on GKE](
[^man_proc]: [proc(5)](
[^list_ino]: [Listing the files that are being watched by `inotify` instances](

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