This is a solution to the Manage Landing Page challenge from Frontend Mentor
Get a glance of the project solution.
Different tools and languages used to create this project.
- Visual Studio Code
- Vite
- Firefox
- Brave
- Validator - A library to validate forms
- Bootstrap Icons
- Splide
- JavaScript
How I started creating this project with the help of Vite.
npm create vite@latest -- --template vanilla app
This will create a new Vite application with some boilerplate code.
cd app
npm install
Then we need to cd
(change directory) into the app
folder and install all the dependencies using npm install
npm add sass -D
This command will install the SCSS package so that Vite can compile our SCSS to CSS.
npm run dev
This command will open a dev server on your local machine.
Creating an interactive and responsive carousel with Splider.
Link Splide with core js and css styles using the CDN
<!-- Javascript for Splide -->
<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/splide.min.js"></script>
<!-- Default CSS styles for Splide -->
href="[email protected]/dist/css/splide.min.css"
We need to create the markup that will work accordingly with Splider.
This is the first time I'm creating a carousel and thankfully, this library helped me create it without a hassle.
I was able to enhance my CSS grid
and flex
knowledge and create some complex layouts included in this design.
Also, learned to make buttons that look and feel good to the eyes with a balanced color, spacing and size.
- Live site URL: Netlify
- Repository URL: Code-Beaker/manage-landing-page