This is step by step guide on how to build and maintain cloud native thermostat using Raspberry Pi, K3s on K3os and cheap ESP8266 microchip.
Because I hated our bathroom floor heating thermostat and wanted something better and learn new things along the way.
Running K8s cluster to power simple cron job for triggering heating on and off may seem like overhead. But in the another way running such a critical application like home heating on some single Raspberry Pi using undocumented scripts, is not good recipe for happy family life 💥. Most importantly Kubernetes is my daily bread and I wanted home project, where I can try new technologies and approaches 🕴
Control plane
- HW Raspberry Pi 4 4GB
- OS K3OS build using picl-k3os-image-generator
- Scheduler K3s
- Loadbalancer Metallb
- Ingress NGINX Ingress Controller
- Monitoring
Fork and clone this repo and follow this guide divided into following steps:
Feel free to update your fork with your specific setup.