Little environment to generate a (set of) project(s)
Each project contains a set of packages
Each package offers:
- a C++ class with its C++ headers
- a library implementing the class
- a test program to instantiate some objects
- a hscript.yml HWAF configuration script
The packages are structured to form a use graph.
Each package using one or several other packages will instantiate objects of the used classes.
One shell script '' automates the testbed as follows:
- in an empty directory
- it generates one random set of packages into one project
- it configures the project using HWAF
- it builds the project using the general HWAF conventions
- it tests all test programs
- get the generator:
> (cd /my/dev; git clone -b HWAF
- produce the testbed:
> (cd /my/dev; mkdir test; cd test; /my/dev/CMT/ )