Othello AI agent which can play Othello through minimax trees or utilizing a Markov Decision Process I trained.
Video Demo: https://clipchamp.com/watch/hohux6Ai1Cp
- Ensure you are working with python 3.7+
- Load into OthelloAI folder.
- Run the python command: python main.py random random. This is two othello agents playing randomly.
- The other players you can play as are. Minimax, AlphaBeta, human and ab+ (alpha-beta plus).
- When choosing minimax or alphabeta agents you can denote the level of depth they can go up to after the command. For example:
- python main.py minimax alphabeta 4.
- This is a minimax and alphabeta agent playing against each other at depth 4 decision
- When playing as ab+ it accepts milliseconds as an integer. For example
- python main.py ab+ random 100
- This is a ab+ and random agent playing against each other with the ab+ agent having 100ms to make a decision.
- Player commands are {random, minimax, alphabeta, ab+}. Default depth is 3 for minimax and alphabeta. ab+ accepts the time in milliseconds to run.
- Minimax - Implements minimax algorithm for 1 of the othello players.
- AlphaBeta - Implements alphabeta pruning algorithm from minimax for othello
- ab+ - Implements a alphabeta pruning alogithm with additional memoization and a more strategic evalution function and it runs based on time instead of depth.
- Random - Agent implements a move at random if there is a move avaiable, if not the agent passes its turn.
- game.py - This contains the game loop of othello
- othello.py - This contains the othello code.
- agent.py - This contains the code for all the agents.
- main.py - The main function which inits the game with the specified agents and depth level.