This is a Dockerized Laravel Application built using the following containers:
PHP Application
PHP8.0-fpm, Composer, NPM, Node.js v14.x
- Docker Engine (v19.03.0+)
- Docker Compose
You can either:
- Install Docker Desktop (includes both Docker Engine and Docker Compose)
- Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose separately.
Open a new instance of the terminal, navigate to the root directory of the project and execute the following command to bring all the containers up.
$ docker-compose up -d
The command will take a while to run, since it will download/build the images for the first time. After the images are ready, it will start the containers. The next time you run this command it will be way faster to execute.
note: any change you make to the Dockerfile or any other file that the Dockerfile uses (excluding docker-compose.yaml) you will need to build the images again for the changes to take effect by executing the following command.
$ docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
When all containers are up and running, enter the app container by executing the following command.
$ docker-compose exec blog_app bash
Install all composer packages included in composer.json
$ composer install
Install all npm packages included in package.json
$ npm install
Run all mix tasks.
$ npm run dev
Create a .env file from the existing .env.example
$ cp .env.example .env
Generate a Laravel App Key.
$ php artisan key:generate
Run the database migrations.
$ php artisan migrate
Modify the following fields in your .env file to use the values specified in the database container.
To access your Laravel Application visit http://localhost:8000
If you intend to modify the assets (JS/CSS) make sure to run
$ npm run watch
This command will continue to run in your terminal and watch relevant files for changes.
To run the tests you should be inside the application container.
Enter the application container
$ docker-compose exec blog_app bash
Run the tests
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
Exit the app container.
$ exit
Bring all the containers down.
$ docker-compose down