This component is a fork from which is a fork of The component has been updated to work with Angular 6 and Angular CLI 6.
This component generates a breadcrumb trail, as you navigate to child routes using the @angular/router. It interprets the browser URL of a navigate request, in the same way the component router does to match a path to a specific component, to build up a hierarchy of available parent/child routes for that destination.
So given a navigation request to a url '/comp1/comp2/comp3', a breadcrumb trail with 3 levels will be generated. Each level includes all the elements from the previous level along with the next child. Thus the above url request will result in the following 3 levels being generated: '/comp1', '/comp1/comp2', '/comp1/comp2/comp3'.
Theres a breadcrumbService that allows you to add friendly names for each of your app's available routes. This friendly name will show up in the breadcrumb trail for each matching level, otherwise it will show the last url fragment.
Optionally uses bootstrap.css (v 3.x.x) for styling of some elements (although the component is fully functional without it and there is a flag to turn off the dependency).
- Install the module via npm:
npm install ng-breadcrumb --save
Import the the module
import {NgBreadcrumbModule} from 'ng-breadcrumb';
imports: [NgBreadcrumbModule]
export class AppModule {
Inject the BreadcrumbService into your component to map your routes
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private breadcrumbService: BreadcrumbService) {
Place the breadcrumb selector in your component's html where you added your router-outlet:
useBootstrap: boolean
to apply the bootstrap breadcrumb style. Defaulted to true.
<breadcrumb [useBootstrap]="false"></breadcrumb>
prefix: string
to have a static prefix as the first breadcrumb which routes to the base root when clicked.
<breadcrumb prefix="App Title"></breadcrumb>
Add friendly names for each of your app's routes (paths). Can also specify regular expressions to match routes and assign a friendly name.
breadcrumbService.addFriendlyNameForRoute('/home', 'Home Sweet Home');
breadcrumbService.addFriendlyNameForRoute('/home/users', 'All users');
breadcrumbService.addFriendlyNameForRouteRegex('/home/users/[0-9]/info', 'Information');
Specify a callback function that will supply a name for a specific route or regex. This is intended to be used when a route contains path params. It allows you display a specific name for the given id contained in the route url.
breadcrumbService.addCallbackForRoute('/home/users/1', this.getNameForUser);
breadcrumbService.addCallbackForRouteRegex('^/home/users/[0-9]$', this.getNameForUser);
getNameForUser(id:string):string {
return 'specific name for user with id';
Hide certain routes (paths) from the breadcrumb trail using an exact url or regex.
npm install
npm build
ng serve
- update the
with all changes regarding the new release - update the release version in the
- push the changes
- build the project locally with
npm run release
- run
npm publish dist
- draft a new release at
with the contents of