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Collect distributed cellprofiler results into sqlite databases.

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Collate results from Eddie3 cellprofiler jobs

Following a cellprofiler analysis with ExportToSpreadsheet, we produce many .csv files that we want to merge together.

Creating a database of results

If there is a lot of data, then the sensible option is to create a database of the results. We can use meld to scan through multiple sub-directories and build an sqlite database from the .csv files, with the option of aggregating the data as we go.

If we have a directory of results containing multiple sub-folders, e.g:

├── output_1
│   ├── DATA.csv
│   └── IMAGE.csv
├── output_2
│   ├── DATA.csv
│   └── IMAGE.csv
└── output_3
    ├── DATA.csv
    └── IMAGE.csv
import meld
merger = meld.Merger("/results")

We then want to tell merge_to_db where to store the database.


Now we want the database to create separate tables for DATA and IMAGE. We can specify the name of the .csv file we want to store in each table.


This will automatically scan through the sub-directories, and read in the DATA and IMAGE files respectively, appending each to the appropriate table.

Multi-indexed columns

CellProfiler can combine the results of different objects into a single csv file, when this is done it produces a .csv file with multi-indexed columns.

merge_to_db can automatically flatten these column headers before storing in the database if we specify the number of headers beforehand. So if DATA has two indices:

merger.to_db("DATA", header=[0,1])

Aggregating cell-level data

As the default output from CellProfiler is cell-level data, whereby we have a row per object, it's normally convenient to aggregate this to image or well averages. We can do this automatically when appending the raw-data to the database with the method to_db_agg(), which produces a separate table in the database named <object>_agg, where object is the name of the .csv file containing the raw data.


merger.to_db_agg(select="DATA", header=[0,1], by="ImageNumber")

This will group the data by ImageNumber and create a row with a median value for each image.

We can change the aggregation function by passing the method argument.

merger.to_db_agg(select="DATA", header=[0,1], by="ImageNumber", method="mean")

This will create a table called DATA_agg in the database, with a row per image.

Potential problems

If you're collapsing multi-indexed columns and aggregating data, you have to specify the column you wish to aggregate by with the collapsed name.
For example:

Image Image ...
ImageNumber Intensity_channel_1 ...
1 0.758 ...
... ... ...

You would aggregate by Image_ImageNumber, as the Image and ImageNumber column headers will be collapsed before aggregation.

merger.to_db_agg(select="DATA", header=[0,1], by="Image_ImageNumber")


Collect distributed cellprofiler results into sqlite databases.







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