I'm a fervent Deep Learning enthusiast and an AI Researcher. My primary interest lies in leveraging AI to tackle complex, real-world problems. I am keen on exploring and pushing the boundaries of AI, working with state-of-the-art models, and constantly learning and evolving.
- 🎓 I'm currently pursuing an advanced degree in Computer Science with a focus on AI.
- 🌱 I'm exploring the new emerging AI technologies and am always on the lookout for innovative techniques and tools.
- 🧠 I'm specifically interested in the fields of Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Generative AI, and Reinforcement Learning.
- 🌐 You can see a more detailed overview of my work at www.ateebtaseer.com
- 🏗️ Researching on transformer architectures, particularly how they can be used in NLP and beyond.
- 📡 Exploring federated learning, a new decentralized approach to training machine learning models.
- 🎮 Improving my skills in reinforcement learning to create intelligent agents that can learn from their own experiences.
- ⚛️ Studying the application of AI in Quantum Computing.
- OpenAI's GPT-2: A state-of-the-art NLP model by OpenAI.
- TensorFlow's Model Garden: A collection of various TensorFlow models in different stages of development.
- Hugging Face's Transformers: A state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Pytorch and TensorFlow 2.0.
- Airbnb's Superset: A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application.