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Changing our version in composer.json to (20.4.3). #1505

Changing our version in composer.json to (20.4.3).

Changing our version in composer.json to (20.4.3). #1505

Workflow file for this run

name: CarbonPHP Feature Test Suit
- lts
name: PHP ${{ matrix.php-versions }} Test on ${{ matrix.operating-system }}
runs-on: ${{matrix.operating-system}}
container: ${{matrix.container}}
max-parallel: 4
operating-system: [ ubuntu-latest ]
php-versions: [ '8.2' ]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup PHP
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ matrix.php-versions }}
extensions: mbstring, intl
ini-values: post_max_size=256M, short_open_tag=On
coverage: xdebug
tools: php-cs-fixer, phpunit
update: true # specify true or false
- name: service --status-all
run: service --status-all
- name: sudo systemctl start mysql.service
run: sudo systemctl start mysql.service
- name: echo -e "[client]\n user=root \n password=root \n host=localhost" > `pwd`/mysql.cnf
run: echo -e "[client]\n user=root \n password=root \n host=localhost" > `pwd`/mysql.cnf
- name: mysql --defaults-extra-file="`pwd`/mysql.cnf" -e "create database \`CarbonPHP\`"
run: mysql --defaults-extra-file="`pwd`/mysql.cnf" -e "create database \`CarbonPHP\`"
- name: mysql --defaults-extra-file="`pwd`/mysql.cnf" -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON CarbonPHP. * TO 'root'@'localhost';"
run: mysql --defaults-extra-file="`pwd`/mysql.cnf" -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON CarbonPHP. * TO 'root'@'localhost';"
- name: mysql --defaults-extra-file="`pwd`/mysql.cnf" -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';"
run: mysql --defaults-extra-file="`pwd`/mysql.cnf" -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';"
- name: composer validate
run: composer validate
- name: composer install --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-scripts
run: composer install --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-scripts
- name: composer db
run: composer db
- name: WordPress download latest-stable
run: |
php -r "copy('', 'latest.tar.gz');"
tar xfz latest.tar.gz
cp -R -n wordpress/* ./
rm -rf wordpress
rm -f latest.tar.gz
- name: composer require wp-cli/wp-cli-bundle --no-scripts
run: composer require wp-cli/wp-cli-bundle --no-scripts
- name: ./vendor/bin/wp core install --url= --title=CarbonPHP --admin_user=root --admin_password=password [email protected]
run: ./vendor/bin/wp core install --url= --title=CarbonPHP --admin_user=root --admin_password=password [email protected]
- name: ./vendor/bin/wp core update-db
run: ./vendor/bin/wp core update-db
- name: composer db
run: composer db
- name: ./vendor/se/selenium-server-standalone/composer/bin/selenium-server-standalone &
run: ./vendor/se/selenium-server-standalone/composer/bin/selenium-server-standalone &
- name: composer run rest
run: composer run rest
- name: composer run rest (again to ensure generated php valid and to build Wp Tables)
run: composer run rest
# Add a test script to composer.json, for instance: "test": "vendor/bin/phpunit"
# Docs:
- name: composer run test (Run test suite)
run: composer run test