Activate the julia environment (contains dependencies such as DataFrame package)
julia> ] # type ] to go into pkg mode
(@v1.8) pkg> activate . # activate local project environment
(ATMOS484) pkg> instantiate # first time only, to install dependencies
(ATMOS484) pkg> # type Backspace button to go back to julia mode
julia> using ATMOS484 # use the ATMOS484 package
The function main
will download the latest data and write a file called
"ATMOS484.csv" in the output folder. Just type:
julia> main()
downloads data from, up to may 2022.
TO DO: script should download up to latest available month.
generates a dataframe from the smartflux output (1 file per half-hour).
The smartflux data is manually put on a google drive repo, then manually put in the input folder of ATMOS484.
TO DO 1: script could directly download the data from the google drive repo.
TO DO 2: a raspberry pi could automatically send the data to the remote google drive repo.
generates a dataframe from 11 datasets (1 per datalogger), each containing 6 sensor data.
The data is downloaded using this python script,
which download the complete datasets (re-download each time), and takes 10 hours to run... Then, the data is manually put in the input folder of ATMOS484.
TO DO: adapt the download python script to only download recent data (that is not yet downloaded), and call that script from soildata()
process input data collected in 2020 and 2021, there is no more data being collected in the field.
TO DO: that input data could be hosted somewhere and downloaded from respdata()