- 👋 Hi, I’m @COSMICnoob80
- As a WEB 3.0 Enthusiast I am passionate about learning Blockchain Technology and become a part of this dynamic technological revolution, I love to work with dedication and seek out to coordinate with my team-members. I am confident in working relentlessly to carry on and sharpen my skills by pursuing the opportunities awaiting ahead.
As someone new to the world of blockchain development, I led a project called "The Blockchain Messenger." The idea was to create a Smart Contract that could store messages securely on the blockchain. We wanted anyone to be able to read the messages, but only the person who set up the contract could change them. We also built in a feature to keep track of how many times each message was updated.
Through this project, I got hands-on experience with Solidity, the programming language for smart contracts. I learned about different types of values, special variables like addresses, and how to work with the global message object and its properties. Understanding concepts like read/write functions and constructors was crucial for building the project.
Using tools like Remix and the JavaScript VM, I brought the project to life. It was a great learning experience, whether I was following along with tutorials or figuring things out on my own. "The Blockchain Messenger" project reflects my passion for diving into new technologies and mastering them step by step.