Video YouTube github
For the purpose of this series, all the scripts are using c:\Hash The files from github, should be placed in c:\Hash\Powershell folder. I have not testing executing from other locations. Testing in Powershell 5.1 and 7.2.1 - Tried to include commands for both
This Script downloads all the Hash files from VirusShare From link above, what is the largest file Number
edit DownloadVirusShareHashs.ps1 Update $DownloadPath and $Range (largest number from the site above) $DownloadPath = "C:\Hash\Temp\VirusShare" $range = 0..404
Save and Execute (Pending Network Speed, just a few minutes) powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file DownloadVirusShareHashs.ps1 pwsh -executionpolicy bypass -file DownloadVirusShareHashs.ps1
This script merges all the files you just downloaded in the previous set
edit MergeHashFiles.ps1, Update $HashPath, $LogFile and Range (Same number used above) $HashPath = "C:\Hash\Temp\VirusShare" $LogFile = "Master.txt" $range = 0..403
Save and Execute (Average about 10 minutes) powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file MergeHashFiles.ps1 pwsh -executionpolicy bypass -file MergeHashFiles.ps1
NOTE: while this is running, open new Command Prompt and start Hashing your computer with steps below
edit CreateLocalHashAllDrives.ps1 Adjust variables for your environment
$Algorithm = "MD5"
$Drives = @('C:','E:','F:','G:','H:')
$Extensions = ('.dll', '.sys', '.exe', '.scr', '.pdf', '.vbs', '.rtf', '.doc', '.xls', '.jpeg', '.zip', '.html', '.php', '.rar', '.htm', '.asp', '*.jpg')
$LogFile = "$env:computername($Algorithm).csv"
Save and execute (Average 10 minutes across all 5 drives for the extensions listed) powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file CreateLocalHashAllDrives.ps1 pwsh -executionpolicy bypass -file CreateLocalHashAllDrives.ps1
NOTE: while this is running, open new Command Prompt and start loading SQLite with steps below
This will download to the $DownloadPath, unzip, move the uncompressed .exe files into $HashPath\SQLite folder Script also creates a two folders (.\db, .\scripts) and lastly creates the database Check for the latest, you only need the for this project under Precomplied Binaries for Windows.
Edit DownloadSQLite.ps1 $DownloadPath = "C:\Hash\Temp" $HashPath = "C:\Hash" $Webpath = "" $FileName = "" $SQLPath = "SQLite"
Save and execute powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file DownloadSQLite.ps1 pwsh -executionpolicy bypass -file DownloadSQLite.ps1
A new Command Window will open, see Setup SQLite section below.
You can copy and paste each command into the SQLite Window, .tables should not return anything the first time you run, the .read command will build the DB for you with all the necessary tables and views .tables .read c:/hash/sqlite/scripts/createtablesindexs.sql .tables .indexes .quit
From Command Prompt, execute the following to open SQLite C:\Hash\SQLite\sqlite3.exe C:\Hash\SQLite\db\HashMaster.db
This command will set to import mode for csv files .timer on .mode csv .separator , .import C:/hash/temp/virusshare/Master1.txt tempmaster .import C:/hash/temp/virusshare/Master2.txt tempmaster Select count(*) from tempmaster; Select * from tempmaster limit 10;
Insert or Ignore into mastermd5 (hash, source, cddid) Select lower(hash), "VirusShare", "" from tempmaster; Select * from mastermd5 limit 10; delete from tempmaster;
.import C:/hash/temp/virusshare/virusshare_00404.md5 tempmaster Select count(*) from tempmaster; Select * from tempmaster limit 10;
MD5 Insert or Ignore into mastermd5 (hash, source, cddid) Select lower(hash), "", "" from tempmaster; SHA1 Insert or Ignore into masterSHA1 (hash, source, cddid) Select lower(hash), "", "" from tempmaster; SHA5 Insert or Ignore into masterSHA5 (hash, source, cddid) Select lower(hash), "", "" from tempmaster;
C:\Hash\SQLite\sqlite3.exe C:\Hash\SQLite\db\HashMaster.db VACUUM
Get the path from the CreateLocalHashAllDrives .mode csv .separator , .import C:/Hash/Results/20220121-102317/DESKTOP-RFH175E(MD5).csv templocal
Select count(*) from templocal;
Insert or Ignore into importedmd5 (hash, path) Select lower(hash), path from templocal; Select count(*) from importedmd5;
Select * from v_md5;
Select hash, count(hash) from templocal group by hash having count() > 100 order by count(); Select count(distinct hash) from templocal; Select hash, path from templocal where hash = "605611DACA7116880DBD439D19016D23";
.headers on .mode csv .output c:/hash/results/ResultsMD5.csv select * from v_md5; .output stdout
Open File, Copy Hashs Insert into
Delete from importedmd5; delete from importedsha1; delete from importedsha5; delete from templocal; delete from tempmaster; .quit
C:\Hash\SQLite\sqlite3.exe C:\Hash\SQLite\db\HashMaster.db VACUUM
MASTERMD5 = Master MD5 Hash Table MASTERSHA1 = Master SHA1 Hash Table MASTERSHA5 = Master SHA5 Hash Table Importedmd5 = Will Import from tempmaster Table ImportedSHA1 = Will Import from tempmaster Table ImportedSHA5 = Will Import from tempmaster Table tempmaster = Import master Hash Files here so we can clean up before importing into master templocal = Import local hash with path here so we can clea before importing v_md5 = This is a view to compare Hash between MD5 and Importmd5 tables, returns positive hits v_sha1 = This is a view to compare Hash between SHA1 and ImportSHA1 tables, returns positive hits v_sha5 = This is a view to compare Hash between SHA5 and ImportSHA5 tables, returns positive hits
Custom Updating Master, Update Table Insert or Ignore into mastermd5 (hash, source, cddid) Select lower("00F538C3D410822E241486CA061A57EE"), "COD", "1234" from tempmaster;
Select name from sqlite_master where type='table';