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Where you find all the state-of-the-art cooking utensils (salt, pepper, gradient descent... the usual).


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chuchichaestli is a collection of model architectures and other useful bits of code in use at the Intelligent Vision Systems group at the University of Applied Sciences Zurich (ZHAW).


Tagged releases are available as PyPI packages. To install the latest package, run:

pip install chuchichaestli

For the bleeding-edge package directly from the git main, clone the repository and run the following command in the root directory of the repository:

pip install -e .

Alternatively, you can install the package directly from GitHub:

pip install git+


Releases and packages are automatically created with various GitHub action workflows. The general development workflow is as follows

  1. checkout to a non-default branch to apply patches, features, etc.
  • each commit to a non-default branch triggers an install test (on latest Python versions) and a package build
  1. open a PR
  • at opening and each subsequent commit to that PR, the build is uploaded to TestPyPI and a dev version is incremented (e.g. v1.2.0 -> v1.2.0-dev0)
  1. once the PR is reviewed, it can be merged
  • at merge, the micro version is incremented on the main branch and tagged (e.g. v1.2.0-dev7 -> v1.2.1)
  • subsequently, a package is built, published to PyPI, and released on GitHub with the latest version tag
  1. every once in a while it is necessary to bump minor or major versions
  • minor and major version can be triggered, by manually dispatching the on_dispatch.yml workflow
  • on the web interface (using the option minor or major), or
  • on CLI with gh workflow run on_dispatch.yml -f type=minor (or -f type=major)

Reusable workflows

In .github/workflows/ there are several reusable workflows which provide the basic utility for the triggered jobs:

  • test-install.yml
    • test install on various Python versions (by default 3.10-3.12)
    • ruff linting checks (stop build if error occurs)
    • run unit tests with pytest
    • upload test results (for prosperity)
  • build-package.yml
    • build package for Python version 3.x
    • upload package dist artifacts (by name)
  • github-release.yml
    • download package dist artifact (by name)
    • sign package dist with Sigstore
    • create and upload GitHub release
  • phdenzel/hatch-bump@v*
    • use hatch to increment a version
    • commit and push changes

Triggered workflows

  • on_branches.yml
    • triggers on commit to any branch (except main) not in a PR (pull request)
    • runs test-install-python-version and build-package
  • on_pr.yml
    • triggers on commit to a PR
    • runs test-install-python-version, build-package, publish-to-testpypi, and version-bump-dev
  • on_merge.yml
    • triggers on PR merge
    • runs version-bump-on-merge (increments micro version on main)
  • on_push.yml
    • triggers on push to the main branch upon automatic version change
    • runs test-install-python-version, build-package, publish-to-pypi, github-release
  • on_dispatch.yml
    • triggers on dispatch (e.g. by running gh workflow run on-dispatch.yml -f type=minor)
    • runs version-bump (increments chosen type of version on main)


Where you find all the state-of-the-art cooking utensils (salt, pepper, gradient descent... the usual).







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