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TypeScript Module Resolution Examples

A set of example projects exploring TypeScript module resolution with various settings and situations.

Table of contents:

About this project

This was initially created for a talk at Michigan TypeScript Developers.

The repository is roughly organized around TypeScript settings, with subfolders for possible values for those settings and examples demonstrating various aspects of module resolution. There are files in most examples to explain the concept being demonstrated. Usually you can run npm run build in each example folder to generate example.d.ts type definition files and see a log of the module resolution process that TypeScript uses printed to the terminal.

Feel free to submit issues or pull requests. I hope for this to be a learning resource for TypeScript developers who want to understand the complex topic of TypeScript module resolution. So with that, let's start learning!

Introduction to TS module resolution


Let's begin by defining what we mean by a "module". When we write TypeScript code, we typically don't write everything in one single file. Instead, we break up our code into smaller pieces and put these into files. JavaScript can treat each file as either a "script" or a "module".

Basically, a script file is a standard JavaScript file that does not import or require any other files and does not have any exports. It might operate on the global scope, or it might not.

JavaScript Modules, on the other hand, generally come in two flavors, CommonJS (CJS) and ES Modules (ESM). Node.js historically used CJS and has started supporting ESM since version 12. Modern browsers also support ES modules, but they use slightly different rules for resolving imports from other modules. To learn more about ES modules in the browser, I recommend reading the MDN article.

In TypeScript, most files you write will be considered a module. By default, any file that uses import or export is treated as a module. Starting in version 4.7, in some situations TypeScript will also check for a package.json file containing "type": "module". The module detection behavior can be adjusted with the moduleDetection setting.

Module resolution

When we need to use code from another TypeScript file than the one we are writing, we generally use an import statement (or import() function). We might write something like:

import foo from "moduleA";

TypeScript will then need to find what module we mean by "moduleA", in order to determine what type "foo" should have.

This is important. We are talking about types when we talk about TypeScript module resolution.

It's true that TypeScript can also compile .ts files into .js files, converting our TypeScript into JavaScript that can run in Node.js, or browsers, or elsewhere. But it's the runtime that will perform the actual imports, using its own module resolution algorithms. Module resolution rules are left up to the runtime to determine, it is not determined by the JavaScript specification.

So, TypeScript does its best to try to match the same module resolution rules that the final runtime will use, so that the type information it gathers is complete and accurate. Because there are different runtimes with different rules, TypeScript exposes some options that we can set in order to match up with the runtime environment.

TypeScript Options

These are some options which TypeScript uses to adjust its module resolution. Please see the TypeScript config reference for details on each option and the minimum TypeScript version required for support.

Note that some module-related options, such as module and target effect the emitted JavaScript files, but not module resolution (other than by changing the defaults for other options in some cases), so they are not explored here.


Config reference

This is the most direct way to change TypeScript's module resolution mode. It has three current possible values, and more are being developed to better meet the needs of bundlers and browser-native modules.

The currently-supported values are (as of TS 4.9):

  • "Classic"
  • "Node"
  • "Node16" or "NodeNext" (currently these mean the same thing)

"Classic" mode is rarely used in modern projects, and is not explored in this repository. For details on how it works, see the TypeScript module resolution guide.

"Node" is likely the most commonly-used option, and mimics the behavior of Node 11 and below. See the moduleResolution/Node examples and README.

"NodeNext" is intended to evolve as Node.js adds new versions and new features, but for now it is the same as "Node16", which adds support for the Node.js style of ES modules. There are some differences in TypeScript Module resolution compared to "Node", and these are explored in moduleResolution/Node16.
See the README there to begin.

New options in development

The TypeScript team identified that the current moduleResolution options are not flexible enough for those using bundlers or writing ESM to be directly consumed in browsers, so they are creating new options:

  • "Hybrid" (final naming TBD): designed primarily for bundlers, with some behavior customizable by settings.
  • "Minimal": A common-denominator for resolution features supported in browsers, Node, Deno, and bundlers.

There are no examples of these in this repo, but I intend to add them once they are released.


Config reference;

Examples TBD

Provides a way to inform TypeScript that when compiled, non-relative imports can be resolved relative to this path. It is similar to the (discouraged) NODE_PATH option for Node.js.


Release announcement

Examples TBD

Allows customizing the “sub” extensions TS will examine, which can be particularly useful when targeting React Native as a runtime. For example, "moduleSuffixes": [".ios", ".native", ""] will look for files ending with .ios.ts, .native.ts, then .ts.


Release announcement

Examples TBD

This is an experimental feature, parts of which are available only in nightly versions, which can change the "resolution mode" of globals or imported types, allowing CJS types to be used in ESM files, and vice-versa.


Ambient modules

Ambient modules make it possible to import a JavaScript project without types, and use community-supplied types or custom-written types to describe that project. The examples in misc/ambient-modules explore different ways that ambient modules can be configured and used.


TS V5.0

Resolution Customization Flags

ModuleResolution Bundler

TS V5.1

TypeRoots Are Consulted In Module Resolution

Explicit TypeRoots Disables Upward Walks for node_modules/@types

TS V5.2

Module and moduleResolution Must Match Node.js Settings

Type-Only Import Paths + TypeScript Implementation File Extensions


Examples and explanations of TypeScript module resolution


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  • TypeScript 93.2%
  • JavaScript 6.8%