- Install arm gcc with
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
- Connect the LoRa module to the correct pins on BeagleBone Black
- Compile the source code by running "make" in the project directory
- Transfer the compiled files (lora_rx & lora_tx) to BeagleBone by running send_to_bbb.sh
- Initiate the driver:
- receiver: run "lora_rx" in sudo mode
- transmitter: run "lora_tx" in sudo mode
- DISCLAIMER: receiver needs to be ran first (at the moment, receiver program contains hardware initialization)
$ sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients libmosquitto-dev
- Create the config file at /etc/mqtt_config
- Config file should look like this:
If your mqtt password contains non-ascii symbols try to copy and paste it instead of typing it.