- [Description] (#description)
- [Features] (#features)
- [Requirements] (#requirements)
- [Live_link] (#live_link)
- [Technology_used] (#technology used)
- [Authors_info] (#authors_info)
This project entails creating a Moringa School landing page. The page is supposed to showcase basic information regarding moringa and their activities and the people responsible with the program. It has information about few of the technical mentors, the graduation portfolio and other information pertaining to the school
The website is a static front page of Moringa School. It has the following features:
- Header section with moringa school as the heading and few menus that are not interactive
- It has buttons that are not interactive
- Incorporated with images that display students and mentors of moringa school
- Basic information about the website for hiring bicycles during hiking and team-building.
- Can be accessed by a computer or a mobile phone
- The pages and button links are not interactive
Slack Profile - [Brian_Wangila] ([email protected]) github profile - [Brian_Wangila] (https://github.com/BrianWangila/Independent-Project-1)