This is an example of a Full Stack Application using java with Spring Boot 2 for the back-end, and angular 10
This application had two components the Back-End and the Front-End.
For the development environment I use:
- Intellij Idea, Windows 10 Home
- Spring Initialzr
- H2 as databases
- Java 8, Spring Boot 2, Maven, Spring Core, Spring Data, Spring Security, Hibernate and JPA
- JSON Web Tokens
- Angular 10 with TypeScript
A basic overview of the architecture
Basically are two components the front-end and the back-end, the back end are RestfullServices that are comsumed in the front-end.
The application consists in a basic todo app with CRUD functionality, using angular, spring boot 2, using spring security with jwt for the autentication and using Hibernate with JPA in a H2 database.
For the Back-End check the folder todos-res-api and for the Front-End check frontend, for more details.
A Todo Management Application
ng new todo
ng g c welcome
ng g c login
ng g c error
ng g c listTodos
ng g c menu
ng g s service/customAuthentication
ng g c logout
ng g s service/routeGuard
ng g s service/data/welcomeData
ng g s service/data/TodoData
ng g c todo
ng g s service/http/HttpInterceptAuth
ng serve
ng lint || check validation
ng build
ng test || run unit tests for angula in karma and jasmin
ng e2e
Angular components
HTML : .component.html
Style: .component.css
Code: .component.ts
Rest URL´S:
/users/{username}/todos get
/users/{username/getTodoById/{id} get
/users/{username}/todo/{id} delete
/users/{username}/updateTodoById/{id} put
/users/{username}/createTodo post
/basicAuth get
/authenticate post { username: user, password: password} -> token value
/refresh Header-Authorization:"Bearer JWT_TOKEN" -> token response