Website for development and demonstrations of web apps for the BlueNetCat. The goal of action 4 is to capitalize the data collected by the researchers of the network. To see the status of the action, please follow this link. The github repository can be found here: github repository
Visualize all the partners of the BlueNetCat here: network repository
Collection of GeoJSONs that gather different oceanographic items of the Catalan coast and sea. Geoportal repository
VISAP (Servei d'Assessorament Pesquer). Application to visualize the fishing effort in the Catalan Sea. VISAP repository
MARCAT. Application to visualize oceanographic prediction and forecasting models. MARCAT Repository
VISAP (Servei d'Assessorament Pesquer). Continuation of the first version, with the addition of climatological data and fishing effort maps. VISAP2 repository
3D representation of an underwater observatory with real data of the sea. In development. OBSEA Repository
A 3D experiment with bathymetry.
This project has been financed by the "Generalitat de Catalunya" and by the European Union through the "Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional" (FEDER).