- It is a software development approach that leverages a single, large codebase instead of multiple, isolated, small codebases.
- The codebase is logically divided into separate modules that can be developed, tested, and maintained independently.
- Documenting REST APIs with Swagger
- JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
- UserName: sa
- Password:
- Add Profile using Maven Profile
- By default environment test
active: @spring.profiles.active@
- To package the dev profile just run
mvn clean package -Pdev
- https://wimdeblauwe.github.io/error-handling-spring-boot-starter/4.3.0/#goal --> Try this to replace @RestControllerAdvice
- https://www.datafaker.net/documentation/getting-started/ --> Add Data Faker
- https://medium.com/@pavanapriya.u/implementing-a-two-level-cache-with-spring-boot-86a681e942ae --> for caching purpose
- https://medium.com/@dixitsatish34/how-to-improve-webclient-response-time-in-spring-boot-3c0c898f06b4 --> improve response time for webclient
- Add projection using @Query
- Note: Pining issue block virtual and platform thread (synchronized)