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copernicusmarine subset

Ben Tupper edited this page Nov 14, 2024 · 1 revision
copernicusmarine subset --help
Usage: copernicusmarine subset [OPTIONS]

  Download subsets of datasets as NetCDF files or Zarr stores.

  Either one of --dataset-id or --dataset-url is required (can be found via
  the "describe" command). The argument values passed individually through the
  CLI take precedence over the values from the --motu-api-request option,
  which takes precedence over the ones from the --request-file option.

  -u, --dataset-url TEXT          The full dataset URL.
  -i, --dataset-id TEXT           The datasetID.
  --dataset-version, --force-dataset-version TEXT
                                  Force the selection of a specific dataset
  --dataset-part, --force-dataset-part TEXT
                                  Force the selection of a specific dataset
  --username TEXT                 If not set, search for environment variable
                                  COPERNICUSMARINE_SERVICE_USERNAME, or else
                                  look for configuration files, or else ask
                                  for user input.
  --password TEXT                 If not set, search for environment variable
                                  COPERNICUSMARINE_SERVICE_PASSWORD, or else
                                  look for configuration files, or else ask
                                  for user input.
  -v, --variable TEXT             Specify dataset variable. Can be used
                                  multiple times.
  -x, --minimum-longitude, --minimal-longitude FLOAT
                                  Minimum longitude for the subset. The value
                                  will be reduced to the interval [-180; 360[.
  -X, --maximum-longitude, --maximal-longitude FLOAT
                                  Maximum longitude for the subset. The value
                                  will be reduced to the interval [-180; 360[.
  -y, --minimum-latitude, --minimal-latitude FLOAT RANGE
                                  Minimum latitude for the subset. Requires a
                                  float within this range:  [-90<=x<=90]
  -Y, --maximum-latitude, --maximal-latitude FLOAT RANGE
                                  Maximum latitude for the subset. Requires a
                                  float within this range:  [-90<=x<=90]
  -z, --minimum-depth, --minimal-depth FLOAT RANGE
                                  Minimum depth for the subset. Requires a
                                  float within this range:  [x>=0]
  -Z, --maximum-depth, --maximal-depth FLOAT RANGE
                                  Maximum depth for the subset. Requires a
                                  float within this range:  [x>=0]
  --vertical-dimension-as-originally-produced BOOLEAN
                                  Consolidate the vertical dimension (the
                                  z-axis) as it is in the dataset originally
                                  produced, named `depth` with descending
                                  positive values.  [default: True]
  -t, --start-datetime [%Y|%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ]
                                  The start datetime of the temporal subset.
                                  Caution: encapsulate date with " " to ensure
                                  valid expression for format "%Y-%m-%d
  -T, --end-datetime [%Y|%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ]
                                  The end datetime of the temporal subset.
                                  Caution: encapsulate date with " " to ensure
                                  valid expression for format "%Y-%m-%d
  --subset-method [nearest|strict]
                                  The subset method when requesting the
                                  dataset. If strict, you can only request
                                  dimension strictly inside the dataset.
  -o, --output-directory PATH     The destination folder for the downloaded
                                  files. Default is the current directory.
  --credentials-file PATH         Path to a credentials file if not in its
                                  default directory. Accepts
                                  .copernicusmarine-credentials / .netrc or
                                  _netrc / motuclient-python.ini files.
  -f, --output-filename TEXT      Concatenate the downloaded data in the given
                                  file name (under the output directory).
  --file-format [netcdf|zarr]     Format of the downloaded dataset. Default to
                                  NetCDF (.nc).
  --force-download                Flag to skip confirmation before download.
  --overwrite-output-data, --overwrite
                                  If specified and if the file already exists
                                  on destination, then it will be overwritten
                                  instead of creating new one with unique
  -s, --service, --force-service TEXT
                                  Force download through one of the available
                                  services using the service name among
                                  ['arco-geo-series', 'arco-time-series',
                                  'omi-arco', 'static-arco'] or its short name
                                  among ['geoseries', 'timeseries', 'omi-
                                  arco', 'static-arco'].
  --create-template               Option to create a file subset_template.json
                                  in your current directory containing CLI
                                  arguments. If specified, no other action
                                  will be performed.
  --request-file PATH             Option to pass a file containing CLI
                                  arguments. The file MUST follow the
                                  structure of dataclass 'SubsetRequest'. For
                                  more information please refer to the README.
  --motu-api-request TEXT         Option to pass a complete MOTU API request
                                  as a string. Caution, user has to replace
                                  double quotes " with single quotes ' in the
  --overwrite-metadata-cache      Force to refresh the catalogue by
                                  overwriting the local cache.
                                  NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive
                                  with arguments: [no_metadata_cache].
  --no-metadata-cache             Bypass the use of cache.                 
                                  NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive
                                  with arguments: [overwrite_metadata_cache].
  --disable-progress-bar          Flag to hide progress bar.
                                  Set the details printed to console by the
                                  command (based on standard logging library).
  --netcdf-compression-enabled    Enable compression level 1 to the NetCDF
                                  output file. Use --netcdf-compression-level
                                  option to customize the compression level
  --netcdf-compression-level INTEGER RANGE
                                  Specify a compression level to apply on the
                                  NetCDF output file. A value of 0 means no
                                  compression, and 9 is the highest level of
                                  compression available  [0<=x<=9]
  --netcdf3-compatible            Enable downloading the dataset in a netCDF 3
                                  compatible format.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


  copernicusmarine subset
  --dataset-id cmems_mod_glo_phy-thetao_anfc_0.083deg_PT6H-i
  --variable thetao
  --start-datetime 2022-01-01T00:00:00 --end-datetime 2022-12-31T23:59:59
  --minimum-longitude -6.17 --maximum-longitude -5.08
  --minimum-latitude 35.75 --maximum-latitude 36.30
  --minimum-depth 0.0 --maximum-depth 5.0

  copernicusmarine subset -i cmems_mod_glo_phy-thetao_anfc_0.083deg_PT6H-i -v thetao -t 2022-01-01T00:00:00 -T 2022-12-31T23:59:59 -x -6.17 -X -5.08 -y 35.75 -Y 36.30 -z 0.0 -Z 5.0
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