In this tutorial we are focusing on viruses from plates AG-910.
Notebooks 1, 2 and 3 will take you through virus searching for and curation of viruses within an indivial SAG.
To get started, open a terminal and navigate into your working directory:
cd ~/storage/userlab/{your name here}
then clone this github repository:
git clone
and navigate into this directory in terminal:
cd day3_virus_tutorial
Navigate into this directory in the jupyterhub navigation pane on the left side of your screen, select 1_finding_phages.ipynb
to open it in a new window in jupyterhub and let's find some viruses.
source activate /mnt/storage/envs/vs2
virsorter run -i ${contigs_fasta} --include-groups "dsDNAphage,ssDNA"
source activate /mnt/storage/envs/dvf
python /mnt/storage/envs/opt/DeepVirFinder/ -i ${contig} -o ${plateout} -c ${cpus}
Results from the above workflows were merged, contigs were maintained as initial viral candidates based on the following criteria:
- VirSorter2: max_score = 0.9, hallmark genes > 0
- DeepVirFinder: dvf_score_min = 0.9, dvf_pvalue_max = 0.05
Initial virus candidate contigs were then extracted and written to a new fasta file and examined by CheckV:
source activate /mnt/storage/envs/checkv
checkv end_to_end $infa $outdir -t 20 -d /mnt/storage/reference_dbs/checkv/checkv-db-v1.5
source activate /mnt/storage/envs/dram annotate -i ${contig} -o $plateout --min_contig_size 2000
sag: sag ID
total_vcontig_bp: total length of viral candidates sequences in SAG
'Complete', 'High-quality', 'Low-quality', 'Medium-quality', 'Not-det ermined’: contig count for checkV quality categories
'Total vContigs’: total number of viral candidate contigs in SAG
'dramv_top_vir_genome_match’: viral genome from NCBI with the most hits to vCandidate open reading frames (orfs)
'dramv_top_vir_pct_matched’: percent orfs matching the top hit virus
'total_vc_orfs’: total number of orfs on virus candidate contigs
'total_annotated_vc_orfs’: total vCandidate orfs that were annotated by DRAMv
'pct_annotated’: percent annotated orfs on virus candidates
'phage structurals’: list of identified viral structural genes on vCandidates
'plate_id’: SAG plate ID
'integrase_count’: total number of integrases on vCandidates within SAG
'contig’: contig ID
'sag’: SAG id
'plate’: plate id
from virsorter2
'type_vs2’: virsorter2 type (integrated or individual)
'vs2_pos’: 1 if virsorter identified
from vibrant
'type_vib’: VIBRANT type (X or Y)
'vib_pos’: 1 if VIBRANT identified
from deepvirfinder.
'dvf_pos’: 1 if DeepVirFinder identified
added columns
'consensus_score’: count of how many virus finders identified as viral (max 3)
'contig_length’: contig length in bp
from checkV.
'provirus’: 'Yes' if checkv identified as integrated
'gene_count’: total genes on contig
'viral_genes’: total viral genes on contig (checkV determined)
'host_genes’: total host genes on contig (checkV determined)
'pct_host_genes’: percent genes on contig identified as ‘host’ by checkV
'checkv_quality’: checkV determined viral genome quality
'miuvig_quality’: another genome quality metric
'completeness': checkv estimated viral contig completeness
'completeness_method': method checkv used to estimate completeness
'orfid': DRAM-v open reading frame ID
'fasta': Originating fasta file
'scaffold': Scaffold/contig ID
'gene_position': Gene position on contig
'start_position': Gene start position on contig
'end_position': Gene end position
'strandedness': gene strandedness
'rank': strength of the metabolic annotation -- see (here)[]
Blast style database searches:
hmm style searches:
added columns
'sag': sag id
'vogdb_text': extracted vogdb text description
'vog_db_vir_protein': identified as a viral protein by columns 'vogdb_categories'
'viral_hit_genome': extracted genome description for the viral hit
'viral_hit_gene': extracted gene text for the viral hit
'viral_hit_gene_desc': extracted gene description for the viral hit
'is_integrase': identified as integrase in any annotation column (1 if integrase, 0 if not)
'annotation': summarized gene annotation from all database comparison results
'annotation_source': column that annotation was extracted from