Requires atleast java 17.
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
Add the following dependency to your build.gradle
implementation group: 'io.github.better-boy', name: 'minds-java-sdk', version: '1.0.1'
Run the following commands:
git clone
cd minds-java-sdk
mvn clean install
Once this is done, the jar is created in the target
folder. To add this as a dependency to maven project, use the following command:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=minds-java-sdk-1.0.0.jar -DgroupId=org.mindsdb.sdk -DartifactId=minds-java-sdk -Dversion=1.0.0 -Dpackaging=jar
Refer the java docs at
- Initialize the MindsDb client
To get started, you'll need to initialize the Client with your API key. If you're using a different server, you can also specify a custom base URL.
String apiKey = "";
// Default connection to Minds Cloud that uses '' as the base URL
Client client = new Client(apiKey);
// If you have self-hosted Minds Cloud instance, use your custom base URL
String baseUrl = "";
Client client = new Client(apiKey, baseUrl);
- Creating a Data Source
You can connect to various databases, such as PostgreSQL, by configuring your data source. Build the Datasource object with the credentials in a json as follows.
String credentialString = "{\"user\":\"demo_user\",\"password\":\"demo_password\",\"host\":\"\",\"port\":5432,\"database\":\"demo\",\"schema\":\"demo_data\"}";
JsonObject connObject = Constants.gson.fromJson(credentialString, JsonObject.class);
String dsName = "testds12";
String engine = "postgres";
DatabaseConfig databaseConfig = DatabaseConfig.builder().description("Postgres database")
.tables(List.of("car_info", "jobs"))
Datasource datasource = client.datasourcesService.create(databaseConfig);
- Creating a Mind
You can create a mind
and associate it with a data source.
// Create a mind with a data source
String mindName = "testMind";
List<String> ds = List.of("testds");
Mind mind = client.mindsService.create(mindName, ds);
// Alternatively, add a datasource to a mind later
String mindName = "testMind";
String newDsName = "testdsnew";
Mind mind = client.mindsService.get(mindName).get();
// If datasource is not there, then create the datasource using DatasourcesService.create
- Chatting with a mind
String mindName = "testMind";
String message = "How are you today?!"
Mind mind = client.mindsService.get(mindName).get();
String response = mind.completion(message);
// Stream the responses
Mind mind = client.mindsService.get(mindName).get();
Stream<ChatCompletionChunk> streamResponse = mind.streamCompletion(message);
To update a mind, create a new Mind object with the changes required. Then pass the new Mind object to the existing mind object that needs updation.
String mindName = "test34";
String newMindName = "latestMind";
Mind mind = client.mindsService.get(mindName).get();
mind.update(newMindName, null, null, null, null, null);
above is for other properties like - datasources, provider etc.. Refer the javadoc for the method signature.
You can list all the minds you’ve created.
Client client = new Client(apiKey, baseUrl);
Optional<List<Mind>> optionalMinds = client.mindsService.list();
You can fetch details of a mind by its name.
String mindName = "newMind";
Optional<Mind> optionalMind = client.mindsService.get(mindName);
To delete a mind, use the following code:
String mindName = "newMind";
To delete a datasource from a mind, use the following code:
String mindName = "newMind";
String dsName = "oldDs";
Mind mind = MindsService.get(mindName).get();
To view all data sources:
Optional<List<Datasource>> list = client.datasourcesService.list();
You can fetch details of a specific data source by its name.
String dsName = "testds";
Optional<Datasource> optionalDatasource = client.datasourcesService.get(dsName);
To delete a data source, use the following code:
String dsName = "testds";
Note: Thanks to StefanBratanov for the unofficial openai java client sdk