SnippetBox is an open-source web application for managing and sharing code snippets. This project is inspired by the work of Alex Edwards, based on his book "Let's Go!" and his original SnippetBox application. This version is modified to use SQLite3 instead of MySQL and minimal dependencies to provide a lightweight and simple solution.
- Simple and efficient session management using SQLite.
- Built with minimal external dependencies to make it easier to learn and understand.
- Contains the main entry point for the application, with themain
package and HTTP request handlers for managing snippets./internal/models/
- Defines data models and handles interactions with SQLite3 for storing and retrieving snippets./internal/sessions/
- A simplified, custom session management system, based on the core concepts from Alex Edwards' originalscs
package, but further reduced for educational purposes./internal/store/
- Contains the logic for interacting with the SQLite3 database, including storing and retrieving data for sessions and snippets./internal/validator/
- Provides validation functionality for user input, ensuring that data adheres to the correct format before being processed.
mkdir tls
cd tls
and then To generate TLS certificates for localhost, run the following command:
go run $(go env GOROOT)/src/crypto/tls/generate_cert.go --rsa-bits=2048 --host=localhost
This project was inspired by Alex Edwards' "Let's Go!" book and his original SnippetBox project. It is a simplified, functional implementation of the concepts he introduced, with a specific focus on:
- Using SQLite3 for data storage instead of MySQL.
- Stripping down unnecessary dependencies and code to make the project easy to understand and focus on the core concepts.
- Custom session management, based on the core ideas from Alex Edwards'
package, but reduced and modified to work with SQLite3 for educational purposes.
- Go 1.18 or higher.
- SQLite3 database.
make run
Clone the repository:
git clone cd myforum
Install the dependencies:
go mod tidy
Create and migrate the SQLite database: (not implemented yet)
go run ./cmd/migrate/main.go
Run the application:
make run
Open your browser and go to
to access the application.
This project is based on the original work by Alex Edwards, whose book "Let's Go!" and code from the SnippetBox project inspired much of this work. The session management in this project is heavily influenced by the Alex Edwards' scs
package, which has been modified for this project to work with SQLite3.
Many thanks to Alex Edwards for his excellent resources and contributions to the Go community!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.