A replica of Visual Studio's dark theme for Intellij. Also works with many other IDEA IDES including Clion, WebStorm and PyCharm.
- Download /settings.jar
- In Intellij, go to File -> Import Settings
- Select the settings.jar file you downloaded and press OK.
Intellij will then restart before applying the color theme.
If the theme is not automatically applied, go to File -> Settings and then Editor -> Colors & Fonts and select the theme manually (Visual Studio).
Currently, the theme will work with:
- Java
- JavaScript
- TypeScript and CoffeeScript
- Groovy (with grails support)
- Python
- Kotlin
- HTML, CSS, Less, Sass/SCSS
- Templating Languages (GSP, JSP...)
- ActionScript
- Batch Script
- Cucumber
- XML and XSLT
and more!
Please open a github issue for any problems you find. If possible add a screenshot to the issue as this makes it easy to see the problem.