Provide extra features for Monolog.
The actual version of this bundle support Symfony >= 4.4
If you need support for older versions, you have to use version < 3.0
Via composer :
"require": {
then enable the bundle in your kernel:
$bundles = [
new M6Web\Bundle\MonologExtraBundle\M6WebMonologExtraBundle
A processor can add, modify or remove log content.
For now, only one processor is available: ContextInformationProcessor
. It allows you to add extra context information to each log entry.
# Given that there is only one processor for now,
# type is optionnal and will have ContextInformation as default value
type: ContextInformation
# You can attach the processor to a handler or a channel, but not both
# Those two configuration entry are optionnal, if you omit both
# then the processor will be attached to all log channel and handlers.
handler: gelf
channel: request
# Then you can define the context information you wish to add
# Each entry under config will be an entry in context information
foo: bar
bar: foo
env: expr(container.getParameter('kernel.environment'))
$ ./vendor/bin/atoum