Codo is a CoffeeScript API documentation generator, similar to YARD. Its generated documentation is focused on CoffeeScript class syntax for classical inheritance.
- Detects classes, methods, constants, mixins & concerns.
- Many tags to add semantics to your code.
- Generates a nice site to browse your code documentation in various ways.
- Documentation generation and hosting as a service on
Annotate your source with Codo tags to add semantic information to your code. It looks like this:
# Base class for all animals.
# @example How to subclass an animal
# class Lion extends Animal
# move: (direction, speed): ->
class Example.Animal
# The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
@ANSWER = 42
# Construct a new animal.
# @param [String] name the name of the animal
# @param [Date] birthDate when the animal was born
constructor: (@name, @birthDate = new Date()) ->
# Move the animal.
# @example Move an animal
# new Lion('Simba').move('south', 12)
# @param [Object] options the moving options
# @option options [String] direction the moving direction
# @option options [Number] speed the speed in mph
move: (options = {}) ->
Then generate the documentation with the codo
command line tool. You can browse some
generated Codo documentation on to get a feeling how you can navigate in various
ways through your code layers.
In the Example
namespace you'll find some classes and mixins that makes absolutely no sense, its purpose is only to
show the many features Code offers.
Codo is available in NPM and can be installed with:
$ npm install -g codo
Please have a look at the CHANGELOG when upgrading to a
newer Codo version with npm update
You have to annotate your code with Codo tags to give it some meaning to the parser that generates the documentation.
Each tag starts with the @
sign followed by the tag name. See the following overview for a minimal description of all
available tags. Most tags are self-explaining and the one that aren't are described afterwards in more detail.
Tags can take multiple lines, just indent subsequent lines by two spaces.
The following table shows the list of all available tags in alphabetical order with its expected options. An option in parenthesis is optional and the square brackets are part of the Codo tag format and must actually be written. Some tags can be defined multiple times and they can be applied to different contexts, either in the comment for a class, a comment for a mixin or in a method comment.
Tag format | Multiple occurrences | Classes | Mixins | Methods |
@abstract (message) | âś” | âś” | âś” | |
@author name | âś” | âś” | âś” | âś” |
@concern mixin | âś” | âś” | ||
@copyright name | âś” | âś” | âś” | |
@deprecated | âś” | âś” | âś” | |
@example (title) Â Â Code |
âś” | âś” | âś” | âś” |
@extend mixin | âś” | âś” | ||
@include mixin | âś” | âś” | ||
@note message | âś” | âś” | âś” | âś” |
@method signature   Method tags |
âś” | âś” | ||
@mixin | âś” | |||
@option option [type] name description | âś” | âś” | ||
@overload signature   Method tags |
âś” | âś” | ||
@param [type] name description @param name [type] description |
âś” | âś” | ||
@private | âś” | âś” | âś” | |
@property [type] description | âś” | |||
@return [type] description | âś” | |||
@see link/reference | âś” | âś” | âś” | âś” |
@since version | âś” | âś” | âś” | |
@throw message | âś” | âś” | ||
@todo message | âś” | âś” | âś” | âś” |
@version version | âś” | âś” | âś” |
You can also use curly braces instead of square brackets if you prefer:
# Move the animal.
# @example Move an animal
# new Lion('Simba').move('south', 12)
# @param {Object} options the moving options
# @option options {String} direction the moving direction
# @option options {Number} speed the speed in mph
move: (options = {}) ->
It's also possible to use CoffeeScript block comments instead of the normal
comments. If you solely use block comments, you may want to use the --cautious
flag to disable the internal comment
Move the animal.
@example Move an animal
new Lion('Simba').move('south', 12)
@param [Object] options the moving options
@option options [String] direction the moving direction
@option options [Number] speed the speed in mph
move: (options = {}) ->
If you want to compile your JavaScript with Google Closure and make use of the special block comments with an asterisk,
you want to use the --closure
flag so that Codo ignores the asterisk.
There are two different format recognized for your parameters, so you can chose your favorite. This one is with the parameter after the parameter type:
# Feed the animal
# @param [World.Food] food the food to eat
# @param [Object] options the feeding options
# @option options [String] time the time to feed
feed: (food) ->
And this one with the name before the type:
# Feed the animal
# @param food [World.Food] the food to eat
# @param options [Object] the feeding options
# @option options time [String] the time to feed
feed: (food) ->
The parameter type can contain multiple comma separated types:
# Feed the animal
# @param [String, Char] input
# @return [Integer, Float] output
do: (input) ->
Each known type will be automatically linked. Also named parameters are recognized:
class Classmate
# @param {string} name Full name (first + last)
# @param {string} phone Phone number
# @param {obj} picture JPG of the person
constructor : ( {@name, @phone, picture} ) ->
# @param {string} reason Why I'm no longer friends
# param {Date} revisit_decision_on When to reconsider
unfriend : ( {reason, revisit_decision_on} ) ->
If you have an object as parameter and you like to defined the accepted properties as options to the method, you can
use the @options
# Feed the animal
# @param [Object] options the calculation options
# @option options [Integer] age the age of the animal
# @option options [Integer] weight the weight of the animal
expectationOfLife: (options) ->
The first parameter to the option tag is the parameter name it describes, followed by the parameter type, name and description.
The object types for the @param
, @option
and @return
tags are parsed for known classes or mixins and linked. You
can also define types for Arrays with:
# @param [World.Region] region the region of the herd
# @return [Array<Animals>] the animals in the herd
getHerdMembers: (regions) ->
You can mark an instance variable as property of the class by using the @property
tag like:
class Person
# @property [Array<String>] the nicknames
nicknames: []
In addition, the following properties pattern is detected:
class Person
get = (props) => @::__defineGetter__ name, getter for name, getter of props
set = (props) => @::__defineSetter__ name, setter for name, setter of props
# @property [String] The person name
get name: -> @_name
set name: (@_name) ->
# The persons age
get age: -> @_age
If you follow this convention, they will be shown in the generated documentation with its read/write status shown. To
specify type of the property, use the @property
If you allow your method to take different parameters, you can describe the method overloading with the @overload
# This is a generic Store set method.
# @overload set(key, value)
# Sets a value on key
# @param [Symbol] key describe key param
# @param [Object] value describe value param
# @overload set(value)
# Sets a value on the default key `:foo`
# @param [Object] value describe value param
# @return [Boolean] true when success
set: (args...) ->
The @overload
tag must be followed by the alternative method signature that will appear in the documentation, followed
by any method tag indented by two spaces.
If you copy over functions from other objects without using mixins or concerns, you can add documentation for this
virtual (or dynamic) method with the @method
# This class has a virtual method, that doesn't
# exist in the source but appears in the documentation.
# @method #set(key, value)
# Sets a value on key
# @param [Symbol] key describe key param
# @param [Object] value describe value param
class VirtualMethods
The @method
tag must be followed by the method signature that will appear in the documentation, followed
by any method tag indented by two spaces. The difference to the @overload
tag beside the different context is that
the signature should contain either the instance prefix #
or the class prefix .
It's common practice to mix in objects to share common logic when inheritance is not suited. You can read more about mixins in the The Little Book on CoffeeScript.
Simply mark any plain CoffeeScript object with the @mixin
tag to have a mixin page generated that supports many tags:
# Speed calculation for animal.
# @mixin
# @author Rockstar Ninja
Example.Animal.Speed =
# Get the distance the animal will put back in a certain time.
# @param [Integer] time Number of seconds
# @return [Integer] The distance in miles
distance: (time) ->
Next mark the target object that includes one or multiple mixins:
# @include Example.Animal.Speed
class Example.Animal.Lion
and you'll see the mixin methods appear as instance methods in the lion class documentation. You can also extend a mixin:
# @extend Example.Animal.Speed
class Example.Animal.Lion
so its methods will show up as class methods.
A concern is a combination of two mixins, one for instance methods and the other for class methods and it's
automatically detected when a mixin has both a ClassMethods
and an InstanceMethods
# Speed calculations for animal.
# @mixin
# @author Rockstar Ninja
Example.Animal.Speed =
# Get the distance the animal will put back in a certain time.
# @param [Integer] time Number of seconds
# @return [Integer] The distance in miles
distance: (time) ->
# Get the common speed of the animal in MPH.
# @param [Integer] age The age of the animal
# @return [Integer] The speed in MPH
speed: (age) ->
You can use @concern
to include and extend the correspondent properties:
# @concern Example.Animal.Speed
class Example.Animal.Lion
You can also document your non-class, top level functions and constants within a file. As soon Codo detects these types within a file, it will be added to the file list and you can browse your file methods and constants.
Codo class, mixin and method documentation and extra files written in Markdown syntax are rendered as full GitHub Flavored Markdown.
The @return
, @param
, @option
, @see
, @author
, @copyright
, @note
, @todo
, @since
, @version
tags rendered with a limited Markdown syntax, which means that only inline elements will be returned.
Codo comments and all tag texts will be parsed for references to other classes, methods and mixins, and are automatically linked. The reference searching will not take place within code blocks, thus you can avoid reference searching errors by surround your code block that contains curly braces with backticks.
There are several ways of link types supported and all can take an optional label after the link.
- Normal URL links:
or{ Try CoffeeScript}
- Link to a class or mixin:
or{Animal.Lion The might lion}
- Direct link to an instance method:
or{Animal.Lion#walk The lion walks}
- Direct link to a class method:
or{Animal.Lion.constructor} A new king was born
If you are referring to a method within the same class, you can omit the class name: {#walk}
The @see
tag supports the same link types, just without the curly braces:
@see The wikipedia page about lions
After the installation you will have a codo
binary that can be used to generate the documentation recursively for all
CoffeeScript files within a directory.
$ codo --help
Usage: codo [options] [source_files [- extra_files]]
-r, --readme The readme file used [default: ""]
-n, --name The project name used [default: "Codo"]
-q, --quiet Show no warnings [boolean] [default: false]
-o, --output-dir The output directory [default: "./doc"]
-a, --analytics The Google analytics ID [default: false]
-v, --verbose Show parsing errors [boolean] [default: false]
--version Show version
-d, --debug Show stacktraces and converted CoffeeScript source [boolean] [default: false]
-h, --help Show the help
--cautious Don't attempt to parse singleline comments [boolean] [default: false]
--closure Try to parse "google closure like" block comments [boolean] [default: false]
-s, --server Start a documentation server
--private Show private methods [boolean] [default: true]
--title [default: "CoffeeScript API Documentation"]
Codo wants to be smart and tries to detect the best default settings for the sources, the readme, the extra files and the project name, so the above defaults may be different on your project.
You can define your project defaults by write your command line options to a .codoopts
--name "Codo"
--title "Codo Documentation"
--output-dir ./doc
Put each option flag on a separate line, followed by the source directories or files, and optionally any extra file that
should be included into the documentation separated by a dash (-
). If your extra file has the extension .md
, it'll
be rendered as Markdown.
You can quickly search and jump through the documentation by using the fuzzy finder dialog:
- Open fuzzy finder dialog:
In frame mode you can toggle the list naviation frame on the left side:
- Toggle list view:
You can focus a list in frame mode or toggle a tab in frameless mode:
- Class list:
- Mixin list:
- File list:
- Method list:
- Extras list:
You can focus and blur the search input:
- Focus search input:
- Blur search input:
In frameless mode you can close the list tab:
- Close list tab:
Issues hosted at GitHub Issues.
The Codo specs are template based, so make sure you provide a code snippet that can be added as failing spec to the project when reporting an issue with parsing your CoffeeScript code.
You can check if some parsing errors have occurred by running Codo in verbose mode.
Source hosted at GitHub.
Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:
- Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
- Make sure your patches are well tested.
- Update the documentation.
- Update the README.
- Update the CHANGELOG for noteworthy changes.
- Please do not change the version number.
Codo has initially started as simple experiment to document the CoffeeScript class system and has quickly evolved to a general documentation generator that supports many best practices that aren't part of CoffeeScript. Since every code combination needs to be explicit detected and converted into an internal representation, it's a huge effort to support everything that is possible with CoffeeScript. I've already implemented many features that I don't need for myself, and since CoffeeScript is so damn flexible and powerful, many needs aren't covered yet.
Since I have many other OSS projects I'd like to maintain and also enjoy my family in real life, I'm unable to add new features to Codo for now. If you like to have a new feature in Codo, you need to implement it on your own and if you open a pull-request, I'll happily assist you to find your way through the code base.
Thanks for understanding.
- Jeremy Ashkenas for CoffeeScript, that mighty language that compiles to JavaScript and makes me enjoy JavaScript development.
- Loren Segal for creating YARD and giving me the perfect documentation syntax for dynamic programming languages.
- Stratus Editor for open sourcing their fuzzy filter.
- Docco is a quick-and-dirty, literate-programming-style documentation generator.
- CoffeeDoc an alternative API documentation generator for CoffeeScript.
- JsDoc an automatic documentation generator for JavaScript.
- Dox JavaScript documentation generator for node using markdown and jsdoc.
Codo has an open commit bit policy: Anyone with an accepted pull request gets added as a repository collaborator. Please try to follow these simple rules:
- Commit directly onto the master branch only for typos, improvements to the readme and documentation (please add
[ci skip]
to the commit message). - Create a feature branch and open a pull-request early for any new features to get feedback.
- Make sure you adhere to the general pull request rules above.
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Michael Kessler
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.