Releases: BarrettTechnology/libbarrett
Proficio Fixes
Local Config Support
Libbarrett will look for the Robot's configuration file under ~/.barrett directory and if it does not exist then it looks under /etc/barrett/.
This feature enables every individual user of the same robot to maintain their own configuration files for it.
Left/Right Proficio Support
A system named as modXYZ was added to libbarrett. The world to base transform was modified to extend out towards the right or left based on the robot's configuration. To account for this change, the examples and the demos were modified to invert their coordinate axes, velocities using the modXYZ system if they observe a 3 DOF robot (Proficio).
Ex06 crashed while running with the Proficio
ex06_realtime_move failed to execute the joint circle for the Proficio since it was written to work only with 4/7 DOF robots. This was modified to include 3 DOF robots (Proficio) in both of its configurations.
Configuration files not populated within ~/.barrett
It has been decided that it is up to the user to populate and maintain the ~/.barrett directory. So, the aliases “leftConfig” and “rightConfig” will only copy the corresponding configuration files to /etc/barrett and not to ~/.barrett.
ex11_master_master will not work with the Proficios
There has been no substantial development towards including the master master demo for the Proficios. When the user tries to run the example using Proficio, it will exit with a warning message.