A bundle to simplify the development with Compass/SASS and symfony2 bundles. It is intended to be used in conjunction with Assetic and not as a replacement. In addition, it adds a file importer to SASS that is able to resolve the familiar @BundleName notation and also the SASS script function bundle-public('@BundleName/images/foo.png') to build the correct path to any asset in the bundles public directory.
Use compass to manage every bundle as a standalone project and use a special file importer to reference assets in other bundles. The generated CSS files are then referenced in Assetic.
Any Symfony2 2.3+ application will do. You will also need Ruby with rubygems installed and the following gems:
gem install json
gem install compass
Install the bundle via composer.
composer require asoc/compassomator-bundle
Enable it in your AppKernel.php
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), ['dev'])) {
$bundles[] = Asoc\CompassomatorBundle\AsocCompassomatorBundle();
The Compassomator is also able to trigger assetic:dump and assetic:dump --watch if it is desired. To enable it, set the following option:
manage_assetic: true
Create a simple config.rb file inside every bundle inside the Resources/ directory with the following content:
css_dir = "public/css"
sass_dir = "sass"
Any generated CSS file will be placed inside the bundles Resources/public/css directory, every SCSS/SASS file that should be compiled by Compass will be searched in Resources/sass.
Add the Resources/public/css to .gitignore in the project root. In this setup it is assumed that there are NO css files in the public/css directory that are not generated by Compass/SASS. If there are, it might be required to choose another css_dir.
Reference the generated CSS files with the usual Assetic helper in the view:
{% stylesheets
{% endstylesheets %}
Run the compassomator.
app/console compassomator:compile
If assetic is not run automatically (manage_assetic: true), dumping the assets with assetic is also required:
app/console assetic:dump
Run compass watch and assetic dump in the background to automatically update the generated CSS.
# Start
app/console compassomator:watch
# End
app/console compassomator:watch --abort
If assetic is not run automatically (manage_assetic: true), watching the assets with assetic is also required:
app/console assetic:dump --watch
Show logs
To view any errors, compass or assetic, the logs can be shown using the logs command.
app/console compassomator:logs
Logs and other run files can be found in app/cache/compassomator for debugging purposes.
Made possible by BITE GmbH as a side project during my master thesis.
- At the moment, cache:clear will trigger the compassomator:compile command once, so it will take a few seconds longer on a cache:clear by default.
Whatever is on your mind, open an issue or a pull request (be it a bug/typo/feature request/code improvement...) :)