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add backbone of graph theory features
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yacineMahdid committed Oct 5, 2019
1 parent 666771c commit 8b62b1b
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Showing 21 changed files with 207 additions and 0 deletions.
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111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions features/find_network_properties3.m
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function find_network_properties3

% This function defines a network like Joon's paper, but normalizes
% properties according to random networks

samp_freq = 250;
network_thresh = 0.05; %vary to see how stable our results are
win = 10; % number of seconds of EEG window
% total_length = 300; % total number of seconds of EEG epoch

for subject = 5

Larray = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win)); %path length
Carray = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win)); %clustering coefficient
geffarray = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win)); %global efficiency
bswarray = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win)); %small worldness
Qarray = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win)); %modularity

for bp = 4

for state = 1:3

% EEG = pop_loadset('filename', [sname statename '.set'],'filepath',['F:\McDonnell Foundation study\University of Michigan\Anesthesia\' sname '\Resting state analysis']);
EEG = pop_loadset('filename', [sname statename '.set'],'filepath','C:\Users\Danielle\OneDrive - McGill University\Research\BIAPT Lab\DOC\Motif paper\WSAS09\DATA\5 min segments\');

[dataset, com, b] = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, lp, hp);
filt_data =';

b_charpath = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win));
b_clustering = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win));
b_geff = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win));
bsw = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win));
Q = zeros(1,floor(total_length/win));

for i = 1:(floor((length(filt_data))/(win*samp_freq)))

% EEG_seg = filt_data((i-1)*win*samp_freq + 1:i*win*samp_freq, EEG_chan); % Only take win seconds length from channels that actually have EEG
EEG_seg = filt_data((i-1)*win*samp_freq + 1:i*win*samp_freq, :);

PLI = w_PhaseLagIndex(EEG_seg); %weighted PLI

A = sort(PLI);
B = sort(A(:));
C = B(1:length(B)-length(EEG_chan)); % Remove the 1.0 values from B (correlation of channels to themselves)

index = floor(length(C)*(1-network_thresh)); %top network_thresh% of data
thresh = C(index); % Values below which the graph will be assigned 0, above which, graph will be assigned 1

% Create a (undirected, unweighted) network based on top network_thresh% of PLI connections
for m = 1:length(PLI)
for n = 1:length(PLI)
if (m == n)
b_mat(m,n) = 0;
if (PLI(m,n) > thresh)
b_mat(m,n) = 1;
b_mat(m,n) = 0;

% Find average path length

D = distance_bin(b_mat);
[b_lambda,geff,~,~,~] = charpath(D,0,0); % binary charpath
[W0,R] = null_model_und_sign(b_mat,10,0.1); % generate random matrix

% Find clustering coefficient

C = clustering_coef_bu(b_mat);

% Find properties for random network

[rlambda,rgeff,~,~,~] = charpath(distance_bin(W0),0,0); % charpath for random network
rC = clustering_coef_bu(W0); % cc for random network

b_clustering(i) = nanmean(C)/nanmean(rC); % binary clustering coefficient
b_charpath(i) = b_lambda/rlambda; % charpath
b_geff(i) = geff/rgeff; % global efficiency

bsw(i) = b_clustering/b_charpath; % binary smallworldness

[M,modular] = community_louvain(b_mat,1); % community, modularity
Q(i) = modular;


Larray(state,:) = b_charpath(1,1:floor(total_length/win));
Carray(state,:) = b_clustering;
geffarray(state,:) = b_geff;
bswarray(state,:) = bsw;
Qarray(state,:) = Q;




%figure; plot(Lnorm)

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions features/graph_theory/binary_small_worldness.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
function [outputArg1,outputArg2] = binary_small_worldness(inputArg1,inputArg2)
%BINARY_SMALL_WORLDNESS Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
outputArg1 = inputArg1;
outputArg2 = inputArg2;

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions features/graph_theory/clustering_coefficient.m
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function [outputArg1,outputArg2] = clustering_coefficient(inputArg1,inputArg2)
%CLUSTERING_COEFFICIENT Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
outputArg1 = inputArg1;
outputArg2 = inputArg2;

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions features/graph_theory/modularity.m
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function [outputArg1,outputArg2] = modularity(inputArg1,inputArg2)
%MODULARITY Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
outputArg1 = inputArg1;
outputArg2 = inputArg2;

43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions features/graph_theory/undirected_global_efficiency.m
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function [g_efficiency,norm_g_efficiency,avg_path_length,norm_avg_path_length] = undirected_global_efficiency(matrix,t_level,number_null_network, bin_swaps, weight_frequency)
%UNDIRECTED GLOBAL EFFICIENCY will calculate the undirected global
%efficiency and path length for connectivity matrices like wpli
% matrix:
% t_level:
% number_null_network:
% bin_swaps:
% weight_frequency
%% Binarize and Threshold the matrix
b_matrix = binarize_matrix(threshold_matrix(matrix,t_level));

%% Create random null network
[num_row, num_col] = size(b_matrix); % These should be the same
null_matrices = zeros(number_null_network,num_row, num_col);
for i = 1:number_null_network
[null_matrix,~] = null_model_und_sign(b_matrix,bin_swaps,weight_frequency); % generate random matrix
null_matrices(i,:,:) = null_matrix; % store all null matrix

%% Calculate the characteristic path length
input_distance = distance_bin(b_matrix);
[avg_path_length,g_efficiency,~,~,~] = charpath(input_distance,0,0); % binary charpath

%% Calculate the characteristic path length for each null_matrix and average them
null_matrices_avg_path_length = zeros(1,number_null_network);
null_matrices_g_efficiency = zeros(1,number_null_network);
for i = 1:number_null_network
null_b_matrix = null_matrices(i,:,:);
null_input_distance = distance_bin(null_b_matrix);
[null_matrix_avg_path_length,null_matrix_g_efficiency,~,~,~] = charpath(null_input_distance,0,0); % binary charpath
null_matrices_avg_path_length(i) = null_matrix_avg_path_length;
null_matrices_g_efficiency(i) = null_matrix_g_efficiency;
% Calculate mean null path length and mean global efficiency
null_avg_path_length = mean(null_matrices_avg_path_length);
null_g_efficiency = mean(null_matrices_g_efficiency);

%% Normalizing average path length and global effiency
norm_g_efficiency = g_effiency/null_g_efficiency;
norm_avg_path_length = avg_path_length/null_avg_path_length;

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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions utils/binarize_matrix.m
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function [b_matrix] = binarize_matrix(matrix)
%BINARIZE_MATRIX set the value of the matrix to 0 or 1
% matrix: a N*N matrix
b_matrix = matrix;
b_matrix(b_matrix > 0) = 1;

25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions utils/threshold_matrix.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
function [t_matrix] = threshold_matrix(matrix,t_level)
%THRESHOLD_MATRIX Threshold a matrix to have element below a significant
%amount to 0
% Matrix: N*N matrix with value within any range
% t_level: value from 0 to 1 which set the ratio of highest value
% to keep. i.e. t_level = 0.05 -> keep only top 5% value

%% Flatten the matrix into an array
[num_row, num_col] = size(matrix);
num_element = num_row*num_col;
array = reshape(matrix, [1 num_element]);

%% Find the value to threshold on (the one at the limit of top t_level%
sorted_array = sort(array);
t_index = floor(num_element*(1 - t_level)) + 1;
t_element = sorted_array(t_index);

%% Threshold the matrix
t_matrix = matrix;
t_matrix(t_matrix < t_element) = 0;

%% Remove the diagonal elements
t_matrix = t_matrix - diag(diag(t_matrix));

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