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Add hub location to NeuroAlgo (#59)
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* add binary hub location function in the graph theory folder

* document some more the binary_hub_location

* add test for hub location

* Fix up the already existing na_hub_location

* add more helpful help message

* add documentation on the about hub location
  • Loading branch information
yacineMahdid authored Apr 21, 2020
1 parent 935a348 commit 7580e72
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Showing 6 changed files with 121 additions and 117 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion MATLAB/example/example_analysis.m
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recording class take a look at the /source folder

% Spectral Power
window_size = 10;
time_bandwith_product = 2;
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p_value = 0.05; % the p value to make our test on
threshold = 0.10; % This is the threshold at which we binarize the graph
step_size = 10;
%result_hl = na_hub_location(recording, frequency_band, window_size, step_size, number_surrogate, p_value, threshold);
result_hl = na_hub_location(recording, frequency_band, window_size, step_size, number_surrogate, p_value, threshold);

% Permutation Entropy (PE)
frequency_band = [7 13]; % This is in Hz
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47 changes: 8 additions & 39 deletions MATLAB/example/test_hub_location.m
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step_size = 0.1;
result_wpli = na_wpli(recording, frequency_band, window_size, step_size, number_surrogate, p_value);

colormap jet;
title(strcat("Average Participant at ", string(number_surrogate), " surrogates"));
colormap jet;
title(strcat("Single participant #",string(15)," at ", string(number_surrogate), " surrogates"));

% Calculating Hub Location on the average wpli
% Calculating Hub Location on the each window of wpli
channels_location = result_wpli.metadata.channels_location;

% calculate hub location
t_level_wpli = 0.2;
t_level_hub = 0.10;
wpli =;
[num_window, num_channels,~] = size(wpli);

degree_map = zeros(num_window, num_channels);
% Here we are iterating on each window of the wpli matrices, binarize them
% and then running the binary_hub_location it
hub_map = zeros(num_window, num_channels);
median_location = zeros(1,num_window);
max_location = zeros(1,num_window);
for i = 1:num_window
% binarized the wpli matrix
b_wpli = binarize_matrix(threshold_matrix(squeeze(wpli(i,:,:)), t_level_wpli));
[normalized_location,previous_location, channels_degree] = binary_hub_location(b_wpli, channels_location, t_level_hub);
degree_map(i,:) = channels_degree;
median_location(i) = normalized_location;
max_location(i) = previous_location;
[hub_location, weights] = binary_hub_location(b_wpli, channels_location);
hub_map(i,:) = weights;

% We are showing this stack of weights map into a small movie
filename = 'hub_location_technique_comparison';
make_video_hub_location(filename, degree_map, median_location, max_location, channels_location, step_size)

function plot_hub(normalized_location, previous_location, channels_degree, channels_location)
% Plotting the hub location
topoplot(channels_degree,channels_location,'maplimits','absmax', 'electrodes', 'off');
ylim([0 1])
title('Current Normalized Location (median)');
ylim([0 1])
title('Previous Normalized Location (max)');
make_video_hub_location(filename, hub_map, channels_location, step_size)
88 changes: 38 additions & 50 deletions MATLAB/features/graph_theory/binary_hub_location.m
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@@ -1,71 +1,59 @@
function [median_degree_location,max_degree_location, channels_degree] = binary_hub_location(b_matrix, channels_location, t_level)
%HUB_LOCATION choose from the the channels the channel with the highest
% Input:
% b_matrix: a binary undirected matrix
% t_level: what top percentage represent a hub in the brain (what is the
% definition of a hub)

num_element = length(b_matrix);

%% Caculate the unweighted degree of the network
channels_degree = degrees_und(b_matrix);

%% Calculate previous location
[~, channel_index] = max(channels_degree);
max_degree_location = threshold_anterior_posterior(channel_index, channels_location);
function [hub_location, weights] = binary_hub_location(b_wpli, location)
%BETWEENESS_HUB_LOCATION select a channel which is the highest hub based on
%betweeness centrality and degree
% input:
% b_wpli: binary matrix
% location: 3d channels location
% output:
% hub_location: This is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is fully
% posterior and 1 is fully anterior
% weights: this is a an array containing weights of each of the channel in
% the order of the location structure

%% Threshold the degree to keep only t
sorted_degree = sort(channels_degree);
t_index = floor(num_element*(1 - t_level)) + 1;
t_element = sorted_degree(t_index);
%% 1.Calculate the degree for each electrode.
degrees = degrees_und(b_wpli);
norm_degree = (degrees - mean(degrees)) / std(degrees);
a_degree = 1.0;

%% 2. Calculate the betweeness centrality for each electrode.
bc = betweenness_bin(b_wpli);
norm_bc = (bc - mean(bc)) / std(bc);
a_bc = 1.0;

%% Threshold the degrees
t_channels_degree = channels_degree;
t_channels_degree(t_channels_degree < t_element) = 0;

% Get only the hub degree
non_zero_hub_degree = [];
for i = 1:num_element
current_degree = t_channels_degree(i);
if(current_degree > 0)
non_zero_hub_degree(end+1) = current_degree;
% get the median value of the non-zero hub degree
% to detect which region should be returned (we don't look at extreme
% values)
m_hub_degree = find_hub(non_zero_hub_degree);
disp("The degree of the selected hub:");
m_hub_degree_index = find(channels_degree == m_hub_degree);
median_degree_location = threshold_anterior_posterior(m_hub_degree_index, channels_location);
%% 3. Combine the two Weightsmetric (here we assume equal weight on both the degree and the betweeness centrality)
weights = a_degree*norm_degree + a_bc*norm_bc;

%% Obtain a metric for the channel that is most likely the hub epicenter
[~, channel_index] = max(weights);
hub_location = threshold_anterior_posterior(channel_index, location);

% This will try to find the middle degree value not looking at extreme
% values
function [middle_value] = find_hub(hubs)
sorted_hub_degree = sort(hubs);
middline_index = floor(length(sorted_hub_degree)/2);
middle_value = sorted_hub_degree(middline_index);

function [normalized_value] = threshold_anterior_posterior(index,channels_location)
%THRESHOLD_ANTERIOR_POSTERIOR Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
%THRESHOLD_ANTERIOR_POSTERIOR This function will squash the channels in the
%direction of the anterior-posterior line and will set the most posterior
%index to 0 and the anterior most anterior index to 1
% To do so it takes the index of the channel we want to normalize in the
% posterior-anterior direction and the channels location for where it
% came from. It then will find the value this channel should have.
% input:
% index: index of the channel to normalize between 0 and 1
% channels_location: 3D channel data structure

% Get the X index of the current channels
current_x = channels_location(index).X;

% Accumulate all the Xs index for the channels locations
all_x = zeros(1,length(channels_location));
for i = 1:length(channels_location)
all_x(i) = channels_location(i).X;

% Normalize the current value of x between the min coordinate we have
% in the headset and the maximum
min_x = min(all_x);
max_x = max(all_x);

normalized_value = (current_x - min_x)/(max_x - min_x);

25 changes: 8 additions & 17 deletions MATLAB/plot/make_video_hub_location.m
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
function make_video_hub_location(filename, degree_map, median_location, max_location, channels_location, step_size)
function make_video_hub_location(filename, hub_map, channels_location, step_size)
%make_video_functional_connectivity Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
[number_frames, number_channels] = size(degree_map);
all_edges = reshape(degree_map, [1 (number_frames*number_channels)]);
[number_frames, number_channels] = size(hub_map);
all_edges = reshape(hub_map, [1 (number_frames*number_channels)]);
min_color = min(all_edges);
max_color = max(all_edges);

Expand All @@ -11,31 +11,22 @@ function make_video_hub_location(filename, degree_map, median_location, max_loca
open(video); %open the file for writing
for i=1:number_frames %where N is the number of images
disp(strcat("Making video: ", string(i/number_frames)," %"));
channels_degree = squeeze(degree_map(i,:));
hub = squeeze(hub_map(i,:));

% Create the figure
fc_figure = plot_hub( channels_degree, median_location(i), max_location(i), channels_location, min_color, max_color);
fc_figure = plot_hub( hub, channels_location, min_color, max_color);
writeVideo(video,getframe(fc_figure)); %write the image to file
close(video); %close the file

function [figure_handle] = plot_hub( channels_degree, median_location, max_location, channels_location, min_color, max_color)
function [figure_handle] = plot_hub( hub_map, channels_location, min_color, max_color)
% Plotting the hub location
figure_handle = figure('visible','off');
topoplot(channels_degree,channels_location,'maplimits','absmax', 'electrodes', 'off');
topoplot(hub_map,channels_location,'maplimits','absmax', 'electrodes', 'off');
caxis([min_color max_color])
ylim([0 1])
title('Median Location');
ylim([0 1])
title('Max Location');
title('Hub Location')
58 changes: 48 additions & 10 deletions MATLAB/src/na_hub_location.m
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@@ -1,6 +1,41 @@
function [result] = na_hub_location(recording, frequency_band, window_size, step_size, number_surrogate, p_value ,threshold)
%NA_HUB_LOCATION Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
%NA_HUB_LOCATION will calculate hub locations
%(as defined by betweeness-centrality and degree) for the whole recording
%of EEG data and store it inside a result data structure.
% this function will take a EEG data bundled inside an recording instance
% and will calculate wPLI on segment of the data. It will then binarize
% these matrices of connectivity before calculating the binary hub
% location. It will output both the X-coordinate position of the hub
% along the anterior-posterior axis and the weights calculated to defined
% a hub. The hub here is defined as the maximum values in the map formed
% by doing degree+ betweness_centrality.
% input:
% recording: a EEG data bundled into a recording instance
% frequency_band: the frequency band at which to filter the data
% window_size: the window size onto which to cut the segment of data
% step_size: the step size at which to jump from one window to another if
% its the same as the window size it will be a jumpy windowing.
% number_surrogate: the number of surrogate wPLI matrices to make the
% null distribution for the corrected wPLI calculation
% p_value: p value at which to say that a connection is significant
% threshold: from 0 to 1 it's the amount of top connection we want to
% keep in the wPLI->binary_wpli.
% output:
% result: a datastructure containing all the parameters information,
% metadata as well as the output of the hub location.
% example usage:
% recording = load_set('name_of_data.set',path_to_data);
% frequency_band = [7 13];
% window_size = 10;
% number_surrogate = 10;
% p_value = 0.05;
% threshold = 0.10;
% step_size = 10;
% result_hl = na_hub_location(recording, frequency_band, window_size, step_size, number_surrogate, p_value, threshold);

%% Getting the configuration
configuration = get_configuration();
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% Here we init the sliding window slicing
recording = recording.init_sliding_window(window_size, step_size);
number_window = recording.max_number_window;
location = recording.channels_location;

%% Calculation on the windowed segments = zeros(number_window, recording.number_channels, recording.number_channels); = zeros(1,number_window); = zeros(1,number_window); = zeros(1,number_window); = zeros(number_window, recording.number_channels, recording.number_channels); = zeros(1,recording.number_channels);
for i = 1:number_window
print_message(strcat("Hub Location at window: ",string(i)," of ", string(number_window)),configuration.is_verbose);
[recording, segment_data] = recording.get_next_window();

% Calculating the wPLI and binarize it
segment_wpli = wpli(segment_data, number_surrogate, p_value);,:,:) = segment_wpli;
b_wpli = binarize_matrix(threshold_matrix(segment_wpli, threshold));

% Calculating hub data for the segment
[channel_index, channel_degree, relative_position, graph] = hub_location(segment_data, recording.channels_location, number_surrogate, p_value, threshold);
[hub_index, weights] = binary_hub_location(b_wpli, location);

% Saving the hub data for this segment = channel_index; = channel_degree; = relative_position;,:,:) = graph; = hub_index;,:) = weights;

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,21 @@ A hub is a node in the brain with a lot of incoming connection, but a few output
We can use the degree to approximate this, however using betweeness centrality help a lot the analysis.
Below you will see the hub location definition we've build using the [Brain Connectivity Toolbox](

Concretely this is how we can use the `na_hub_location.m` functino:
recording = load_set('name_of_data.set',path_to_data);
frequency_band = [7 13];
window_size = 10;
number_surrogate = 10;
p_value = 0.05;
threshold = 0.10;
step_size = 10;
result_hl = na_hub_location(recording, frequency_band, window_size, step_size, number_surrogate, p_value, threshold);
For more detailed help type `help na_hub_location` at the MATLAB command prompt.

The definition of a hub we are using is the following:
`hub = Max of (1.0*norm_betweenes_centrality + 1.0*norm_degree)`

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