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Releases: AtlasOfLivingAustralia/fieldcapture


21 Feb 03:15
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Project site and electorate determination changes

  • #3430 - Include projectStateFacet / projectElectFacet to support searches on the determination of project states/electorates
  • #3432 - Changes to algorithm for selecting project states and electorates to include planning sites. Allow more complex overrides of the algorithmic determination.
  • #3395 - Enforce selection from the list of electorates (previously tagging was allowed on the select2 widget)

Project explorer changes

  • #3430 - The state and electorate facets now display curated project data instead of aggregated project site data
  • #3425 - A new service facet has been added to the project explorer
  • #3440 - Users with the MERIT officer role can see the Management Unit & Service facets and run downloads
  • #3402 - Fixed sites query when multiple facets of the same type are selected


  • #3414 - When importing a Monitor data set summary into a NHT report, each species should only appear once in the table with the count summed
  • #3436 - A large number of project sites (with large data) will no longer prevent a report from loading
  • #3413 - The default number of rows in the MERI plan additional outcomes table has been increased from 5 to 35
  • #3408 - Fixed the display of organisation names on My Projects if the project is hidden/private, link them to the organisation page and support multiple orgs
  • #3404 - If the first word of an entity name of an org is a joining word, it will still be capitalized on initialisation of a new org
  • #3419 - Replace the markdown grails plugin with java library to support java 17
  • #3381 - Show EMSA sites as feature collections similarly to how reporting sites are displayed
  • #3423 - Fixed an issue where large amounts of activity data could prevent the Printable MERI plan and MERI plan changes report from working
  • #3356 - Added the grants template columns to the project upload template
  • #3451 - Monitor activities are excluded from some queries to fix a project timeout issue

Table uploads in reports

RCS IPPS changes

  • #3429 #3387 #3418 Implemented the RCS dashboard and made various changes to reports and permissions
  • #3386 When reporting dates for an organisation are updated, also update the period configuration
  • #3392 Show targets and funding to 2 decimal places on the org admin->targets section

#3368 - Fixed functional test failure

Reports / configuration


13 Dec 02:53
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The MERIT 4.1 release contains the following new features:

  • Support for overriding automatic assignment of states and electorates to projects
  • Tidy up of the state and electorate facets on the project explorer to account for difference case and spelling when layers are updated in the spatial portal
  • Improvements to organisations to better support relationships between projects and organisations. This includes a 1->many relationship between projects and organisations, support for organisation contract names to reflect the name used on a project contract, support for relationship type and date ranges.
  • Bulk change support for project -> organisation relationships
  • Stronger validation on project load and auto-creation of organisations if required
  • Support for organisation funding and targets, and enhancements to the RCS quarterly report to replace some functionality of an external system.

What's changed:

  • #2979 - ABN lookups are rate limited to match the ABN service rate limit
  • #3384 - Fixed table data upload where "append data to the table" is not checked
  • #1724 - Project site and electorate assignment can be manually specified by a user, optionally overriding automatic assignment
  • #2789 - Ecodata is now used to upload shapefiles, replacing the spatial portal
  • AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ecodata#1034 - Tidy up state / electorate display on the project explorer by mapping to consistent spelling/case.
  • #2691 - Allow more organisations in the "show more" of the organisation facet, and account for new contract names when used.
  • #3357 - Admin bulk upload to correct org->project relationships
  • #3340 - Use "recipient" to refer to an organisation in a project by default (instead of grantee/service provider etc).
  • #2686 - Automatically update project -> organisation relationships when an organisation is renamed (or a contract name is changed)
  • #3257 - Fixed an issue causing a very slow creation of a new organisation
  • #2880 - Rework of the organisation page and project page to support 1->many project->organisation relationships with optional contract name / relationship name and date bounds for the relationship to support business needs.
  • #3369 - Updates to RCS quarterly reports and support for organisation service/targets/funding to support IPPRS reporting.
  • #3379 - Support a flag to remove invoiced values from the dashboard for programs that don't collect actuals and invoiced amounts separately.

New reports/ change to reports

Program changes:
#3380, #3343, #3331, #3354, #3223, #3221, #3222, #3037, #3372, #3351

Technical changes and scripts:
#3355 - Work on functional test failures on actions due to chrome updates
#3389 - ala-security-libs 6.3.0
#3350 - site creation due to multi-point, line, point, high precision coords


01 Oct 04:16
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What's Changed

Note this release is dependent on changes in the ecodata 5.0 release.

Frameworks / technical
#3244 Updated to grails 6
#3265 The API key was replaced with a JWT for interfacing with ecodata
#3271 Set a custom user agent when making HTTP requests to ALA services to allow MERIT to be easily identified
#3304 Updated js test libraries

#3311 - Fixed the ability to upload dates into a report template via a spreadsheet
#3267 - Fixed display of selections with id/label in view mode. Specifically the data set in the Synthesising baseline data service
#2745 - Fixed a bug related to session timeout that could result in duplicate sites in a report under some circumstances
#3279 - Renamed options baseline/indicator in data set summary to match terms use use in the report. Removed some restrictions on the reuse of data set summaries within a report.

My Projects

  • #2954 - Update the current report status algorithm to account for new reporting framework
  • #1980 - My Projects can now load data asynchronously when the project list gets too large to improve performance and prevent errors

Project Explorer

  • #3320 Allow grant/project managers to use the electorate facet
  • #2382 Support re-indexing of all projects in a program / MU to allow the search index to be updated when these entities are renamed.
  • #3291 Allow the dates facet to require the entire project to fall within the selected date range instead of overlap it

Data set summaries

  • #3279 - Improved usability of data set summary page - added columns, renamed options to match the report.

Project overview

  • #2838 If a photo is used in a blog, don't also show it in the photo strip section of the project overview

#3264 - The user is now notified via a banner when their session has timed out or they have lost the connection to MERIT.
#2741 - Use the same UI for changing a program for original MERIT project templates in the Project Settings tab.
#3084 - Support programs with > 4 primary outcomes without invoking the RLP environment/ag behaviour in the MERI plan
#3302 - Allow marine parks as "known shapes" when adding/editing a Site. The layers supported for known shapes is now configurable.
#3316 - Fixed a bug that prevented a user that had changed their email address from being removed via the "Remove user access from MERIT" function.
#3336 - Added a "Marine" option to the site context dropdown

Features implemented in ecodata
#3260 - Allow the layers intersected against a site to be configured via the projects hub to avoid unnecessary site intersections affecting performance.
#3292 - The algorithm for determining a project state/electorate has been reworked.


28 Aug 21:50
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This release contains a single change - #3299 configuration of the ReportLifeCycleListener for two new reporting types.


01 Jul 06:18
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Fixes and enhancements to organisations:
#3160 - Added the documents section to the Admin tab of the organisation page
#3106 - Fixed bug preventing social media links from being deleted on the organisation page
#3107 - The organisation logo is now displayed on the organisation page
#3242 - Fixed the display of the organisation performance management report
#3146 - Support organisation based score queries for the RCS Annual Report and created the report
#3128 - v2 of the RCS quarterly report.

#3092 - Add autocomplete="off" browser hint for all fields that use the date popup in MERIT
#3178 - Fixed display errors on the read only view of the data set summary
#3053 - Allow Site admins to remove the "Not required" status from a report
#3102 - When using the "delete report contents" function, the site (if any) associated with the report will also be deleted
#3170 - Update the dashboard to include both delivered and invoiced amounts for each target (in supported programs). Updated delivered scores to use the totals field from the NHT Output Report.
#3230 - Tweaked column sizes and array formatting for read only MERI plan for better "printable" results
#3224 - Disable the "Compare to latest approved MERI Plan" when there is no approved MERI plan to compare to
#3238 - Fixed the session listener mechanism to perform session creation/destroyed logging

Configuration changes:
#3228 - Create new services and scores
#3233 - Add new threats for selection in the MERI plan.


04 Jun 23:50
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Updated to ecodata-client-plugin 6.4

#3162 - Fixed display of the end dates of organisation reports in the report header.
#3174 - Improved isolation of data set summary updates - use individual rather than bulk updates when saving / deleting data sets.
#3185 - Updated script to tag plot descriptions as surveys so they show up on the data set summary
#3171 - (ecodata fix) the audit trail for Monitor callbacks now shows the user that initiated the action leading to the callback
#3162 - Fixed report end date in the header of organisation reports
#3184 - Allow 200 characters in a data set summary name
#3190 - Clear data in fields hidden by Yes/No selections on save
#3188 - Don't allow user selections (select2 tags) in MERI plan dropdowns
#3208 - Changed progress/status labels on the data set summary to more accurately describe the status of data sets sync'd from Monitor

Provisioning scripts:
#3148, #3149, #3151, #3114, #3156, #3206


29 Apr 00:24
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The focus of the MERIT v3.2 release is:

  • Enhancements to the Monitor app integration into the MERIT reporting workflow and
  • Minor fixes and enhancements to the MERI plan to support the OMPG and other program requirements.
    There are also a few minor improvements and fixes unrelated to the above.

Full Changelog: v3.1...v3.2

Monitor integration

  • #3049 - Include Monitor species in the Outputs Report pre-pop routine.
  • #3126 - Include a link to the Monitor barcode label generation routine for projects that use it.

MERI plan related changes:

  • #3130 - Prevent duplicate priorities from appearing in the select list of the related priorities in short / medium term outcome statements
  • #3118 - Support multi-select for investment priorities in short / medium term outcome statements
  • #3120 - Allow the only baseline to be deleted in the MERI plan if the program configuration supports this.
  • #3121 - Allow MERI plan priorities to be rendered via select2 when they are multi-select
  • #3133 - Add the "Other" monitoring method (when other is selected) to the read only version of the MERI plan
  • #3140 - Don't clear the priority selection if the text of an outcome changes
  • #2983 - Allow investment priorities to be selected via an ALA species lookup instead of a list from the program/Management unit
  • #3150 - Don't allow survey services to be selected in a project with no baselines
  • #3157 - Clear any unsaved data from a user who has had the MERI plan lock stolen


  • #2973 - Added a funding verification date field to the project settings tab.
  • #3119 - Don't allow the plant survival survey to be added as a baseline data set in the data set summary page.
  • #3075 - Script to create new programs
  • #3142 - Added a targets independent method to retrieve scores for a financial year to support the SAF annual report.


21 Mar 01:56
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What's Changed

The 3.1 release is primarily focussed on the new Outputs Report, in particular integration between the Outputs Reporting and the Data Set Summary, which in turn can be created via the Monitor app.



  • #3046 - Updates to column header case for some fields
  • #3041 - Updated some inconsistent headings between the editable version of the MERI plan and the read only version
  • #3073 - Added validation to MERI plan output targets
  • #3064 - Improved formatting of multi-select fields (e.g. services and protocols) in the read only version of the MERI plan
  • #2980 - Implement a report that displays differences between approved versions of the MERI plan
  • #1720 - Implement pessimistic locking of the MERI plan
  • #3081 - Made the priority field of a secondary outcome mandatory
  • #3096 - Fixed mis-numbering of baselines when rows in the middle of the table are deleted
  • #3079 - Fixed an issue preventing grant managers returning a submitted MERI plan when the "only admins can return approved plans" flag is set
  • #3123 - Fixed styling of the URL column in read only view of the regional plans section to handle long URLs with wrapping.

Monitor app integration

  • #3008 - Added a new role "Project Participant" to support users of the Monitor app
  • #3025 - Added a column to the data set summary to indicate it was created via a submission from the Monitor app
  • #3040 - Added a mechanism to identify sites created via the Monitor app
  • #3057 - Added date created/ last updated, service to data set summary
  • #2957 - Modified the data set summary to remove any duplication between questions and data supplied via the Monitor app
  • #3058 - Don't show data set summaries created for the plot selection/ plot layout submissions
  • #3011 - Don't allow sites created via the Monitor app to be edited by the user
  • #2828 - Implement the Monitor app -> data set summary -> outputs reporting workflow in MERIT
  • #3089 - Prevent more than one project area being created per project as this rule is needed for Monitor integration
  • #3108 - Only allow modules containing protocols tagged as "survey" to be selectable in monitoring section of MERI plan


  • #2984 - Renamed Primary Investment priorities to Investment priorities on the project overview
  • #2986 - Added a new project external id type - tech one contract number
  • #2989 - HTML setting content is made well formed before display
  • #2991 - Fix cases where navigating between a site view page and back to a project wasn't working correctly
  • #2982 - Fixed a bug where annual targets of 48 were absent from the annual report
  • #2970 - Reports still using the PDF generation service were migrated to the new method
  • #2992 - Use a bearer token when communicating with the spatial service
  • #3016 - Fixed a bug preventing an org page with large projects from displaying correctly
  • #3042 - Allow org admins to assign permissions to other org users
  • #3061 - Support optional use of bearer token with spatial service to decouple release dates
  • #3091 - A management unit created via the UI will result in an error on the associated project page due to null config
  • #3095 - Fixed an issue where the photo points drop zone takes over the page
  • #2977 - Add extra warnings where documents can be uploaded about taking care to not make sensitive data public
  • #3110 - Handle a crawler sending a request without mandatory parameter more gracefully

Dependency updates

  • #2987 - Updated datatables
  • #2993 - Updated ala-security-libs version
  • #3068 - Update grails point release

Testing related

  • #2975 - Updated test dependencies
  • #3034 - Fixed a failing functional test

Program provisioning / miscellaneous scripts

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.1


29 Nov 01:09
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  • Updated ala-security-libs to 6.2.0 #2993
  • Updates to spatial API to support spatial service changes #2992


12 Oct 01:14
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This release fixes a single issue:
#3000 - This issue was preventing users with the editor or admin permission on an organisation from attaching a document to an organisation report.