In this task you will practice what you have learned in the workshop.
You need to implement the functions given in Assignment.kt file.
- Read the list of student responses from responses.txt file
- Filter students who are not covid positive
- Sort them alphabetically according to their branch names and, within each branch sort by names
- Break branches into groups of 3.
- Save the student batches in a text file as given in batches.txt file
Click on the "Fork" option on top-right to fork this repository
Clone your forked repository by running this command:
git clone<YOUR-USERNAME>/KotlinWorkshop.git
- Open this project in IntelliJ IDE and complete the functions.
- When done, commit your work locally and push it to your origin (forked repository).
- Make a pull request to our repository, stating the tasks which you have completed.
- Let us review your pull request.