- The BarManager application
- Basic version of Clean Architecture
- MediatR
- Azure Table Storage
- Azure Service Bus
- Configure the publishing in the Bartender project
- Configure the subscription in the Waitress project
The Barterder project exposes an Api to get, create, rename, delete and order drinks. The storage that is used will be Azure Table Storage. Ordering drinks puts a message with contract OrderPlaced on the Azure Servicebus.
The Waitress.Api project listens to the same Azure ServiceBus topic for an OrderPlaced message, which puts a message on the SignalR 'TablesHub' for clients to subscribe on. It also creates a receipt file on the Azure Blob storage which contains the data of the order.
The Tables project is a demo client for the SignalR Hub created in SignalR server setup.
- Entities, currently only Drink
- Interfaces for the repositories for the entities
- DomainEvents when an entity is changes (not used in this sample app)
- Commands: do actions on the entities
- Queries: query for entities and their data
- Handlers: contains the handle methods for the commands and queries when they are sent to the Mediator
- Defines and uses the interfaces to cross cutting concerns like database, eventbus, ...
- Implementations of the cross cutting concerns like which database, which type of eventbus, ...
- Controllers
- These will send the command/query request to the IMediator
- Dto's for the actions
- FluentValidation on dto's (configured in Startup using
.AddFluentValidation(configuration => configuration.RegisterValidatorsFromAssemblyContaining<Startup>()))
Install Nuget package
Make the Commands and queries implement IRequest<>
MediatR has no distinction between Commands and queries, everything is a Request. This distinction can be created with an interface for each:
public interface ICommand : IRequest<Unit> { }
public interface IQuery<out T> : IRequest<T> { }
And for the handlers:
public interface ICommandHandler<in TCommand>
: IRequestHandler<TCommand> where TCommand : ICommand { }
public interface IQueryHandler<in TQuery, TResult>
: IRequestHandler<TQuery, TResult> where TQuery : IQuery<TResult> { }
Events inherit from INotification<>
See branch 1_implement_mediator
for both implemented handlers
The OrderDrink command is currently not being handled, because this will use the EventBus in a later stage
The IMediator will be used in the controller to dispatch the commands and queries to their registered handlers (which is done by convention through DI)
- Using the
method, a request/response pattern is used- This means that only one handler can handle the request and a response is expected (Unit, an empty response, is also a response)
- Using the
method, a pub/sub or publish/subscribe pattern is used- This means that multiple Handlers can listen to this and no response is expected
In Azure Portal:
- Create resource group with name
- Create Storage Account in the resource group
- In the Storage Account, under Table service, create a new Table called
In the Bartender project, add the required NuGet package: Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table
Set the ConnectionString and TableName in the appsettings.json
Important for DDD/Clean Architecture: Azure Table Storage is not the best way to store entities, because it requires a mutable entity (public parameterless ctor, public setters). This application is just a demo for the Azure services. You should keep the domain model agnostic of any implementation details like what storage is used.
Make the Drink entity implement TableEntity
, add a public parameterless ctor and public setters to all properties
Make the Id a get-only to the RowKey property, which Table Storage uses internally.
Set the PartitionKey to the name of the Entity class.
See the 2_table-storage
branch for the inplementation of the new Drink class
Register the CloudTableClient in DI in the Startup class in ConfigureServices:
services.AddTransient(provider =>
var options = provider.GetService<IOptions<TableStorageSettings>>();
if (options == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("Table Storage Settings are not set in the configuration");
CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(options.Value.ConnectionString);
return cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
Implement the AzureTableStorageRepository
using the CloudTableClient
through DI
See the 2_table-storage
branch for the inplementation
Register the new AzureTableStorageRepository
in DI as implementation of IDrinksRepository
// services.AddSingleton<IDrinksRepository, InMemoryDrinksRepository>();
services.AddTransient<IDrinksRepository, AzureTableStorageDrinksRepository>();
In the Azure Portal:
- Create a Service Bus (Integration > Service Bus) in the same resource group
- Make sure to select Standard or Premium price tier for Topic support
- Under Entities > Topics, create a Topic called drinkorders
- On the Topic, create a Subscription called waitress with a max delivery count of 10
In the Bartender and waitress project, install the NuGet package Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus
Get the connection string from the Service Bus Namespace > Settings > Shared access policies > RootManagedSharedAccessKey
Set the ConnectionString and TopicName in the appsettings.json
file in the Bartender project
Set the Connectionstring, TopicName and SubscriptionName in the file in the Waitress project
Register a new TopicClient
with the settings as an ITopicClient:
services.AddSingleton<ITopicClient>(serviceProvider =>
ServiceBusSettings serviceBusSettings = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<ServiceBusSettings>>().Value;
return new TopicClient(serviceBusSettings.ConnectionString, serviceBusSettings.TopicName, RetryPolicy.Default);
In the Infrastructure layer, add a concrete implementation of the IEventBus
as AzureEventBus
that uses the TopicClient
to publish to the Topic with the message as a serialized JSON string
See the implementation in the 3_service-bus
Register the new AzureEventBus
as the IEventBus
// services.AddTransient<IEventBus, NullEventBus>();
services.AddTransient<IEventBus, AzureEventBus>();
Use the IEventBus
in the DrinksCommandHandler
to publish an OrderPlaced
message on the ServiceBus when an OrderDrinks
command is sent through the Mediator.
The Bartender will now put a message on the ServiceBus when an order is placed.
Add a BusListener BackgroundService, which will register to the Subscription on the ServiceBus to listen when a message arrives. When it arrives, publish an OrderPlacedMessageReceived
event through the Mediator which is already configured on the Waitress project.
This will trigger all subscribed handlers to do their action when it is published. In MediatR, the subscribed handlers implement INotificationHandler<TEventType>
See the Handlers folder in the 3_service-bus
For the background listener implementation, see the BusListener.cs
Register the BusListener
as ASP.NET Core HostedService in the Startup.cs
Now, when a message is received from the ServiceBus, the NotificationHandler
's Handle
method will be called.
The TablesNotificationHandler
will be used to signal client connected to the Tables SignalR Hub that a new Order will be delivered. To set this up, add SignalR in the Waitress project's Startup.cs
which is included in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App
shared framework.
To enable scaling horizontal of a SignalR Server (multiple instances/replicas), a backplane should be used to share the state between them. This can be an Azure SignalR service or a Redis database. To add the Azure SignalR service as a backplane, create the service in Azure and add
to the SignalR registrationservices.AddSignalR().AddAzureSignalR(Configuration["SignalRConnectionString"])For this demo, we will skip adding a backplane.
Create a TablesHub inheriting from the Hub
base class
Register an endpoint "/tables" for the new Tables Hub in the Startup.cs
Setup the TablesNotificationHandler
to send the OrderedDrinks from the notification to all clients listening to an invocation of the Deliver
method on the TablesHub
using the injectable IHubContext<TablesHub>
(more info). The method does not have to exist on the TablesHub, because it will be sent directly to the clients.
See the 4_signalr-server
branch for the implementation.
Start the Tables project together with both Api projects to test this functionality.
Azure Blob storage is used as file storage for any type of file.
- In the Azure Portal, go to the previously created Storage account
- Under Blob service > Container, create a new Blob container called 'receipts' with private access level
- Get the Storage account ConnectionString from Settings > Access keys
Put the ConnectionString appsettings.json of the Waitress project
under Azure:BlobStorage. Set the ContainerName to 'receipts'
Add the NuGet packages to the Waitress project
: Azure.Storage.Blobs
(important, get v12.7.0, 12.8.0 has a bug) and Microsoft.Extensions.Azure
Register the BlobServiceClient in an AzureClients builder in the Startup.cs
services.AddAzureClients(builder =>
Use the BlobServiceClient
and the ContainerName from the BlobStorageSettings
to upload a receipt to the Blob Container in the ReceiptNotificationHandler
The Stream required to upload is found on the OrderPlacedMessageReceived
as .AsCsvStringStreamForBlobStorage()
See implementation in 5_blob-storage
Add Docker support to both the API projects, using Linux containers (these are cheaper as VMs on AKS later on)
This creates the Dockerfiles. Visual Studio will build the images as well if Docker Desktop is running.
- You can list the installed images by using
docker images
- To run a container using the docker image, use
docker run <image-name>
(add -d to have the console back after starting the docker container) - See the running containers using
docker ps
(add -a to also see stopped containers) - Stop a container using
docker stop
- See help of all commands using
or adding--help
after the command you need help for
If the application will be deployed to a webserver with a reverse proxy in front that will handle the HTTPS redirection, remove this from the Startup.cs (more info):
// app.UseHttpsRedirection();
Docker compose can start multiple containers at once. Add support for Container orchestration on one of projects.
If the project has HTTPS support, you need to create a self-signed dev certificate that will be added to the container. Remove the existing dev certificates:
dotnet dev-certs https --check --verbose dotnet dev-certs https --clean dotnet dev-certs https --check --verboseCreate a new certificate using the command
dotnet dev-certs https -ep $env:appdata/ASP.NET/Https/dev.pfx -p password
Trust the new certificate on your system to have it used for all HTTPS projects in .NET Core and 5dotnet dev-certs https --trust
In thedocker-compose.override.yml
, add the configuration for the new certificate to the environment variables of the projects:environment: - ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=5011 - ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password=password - ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/root/.aspnet/https/dev.pfxThe volumes to the
container path were added by Visual Studio
Add the ports mapping for the exposed ports for each project in the docker-compose.override.yml
- 5000:80 # The container exposes port 80, map it to 5000
- 5001:443 # The container exposes port 443, map it to 5001
- Start the docker compose using
docker-compose up
(add -d to have the console back after starting) - Logging can be viewed using
docker-compose logs
(add -f for watch mode) - Stop the containers using
docker-compose down