This starter is a statically generated blog that uses Angular for the frontend and Sanity to handle its content. Using the magic of Standalone components
you can easily edit and adapt this template, just changing or adding fields to the schemas
cd angularsanity
Install the node modules :
npm install
Start Sanity Studio:
sanity studio
you may have a CORS error, don't worry, just add the localhost path in the sanity studio
In angularsanity/sanity.config.ts
change the '' with your projectid key
projectId: '', to projectId: 'YOURKEY'
the same in angularsanity/sanity.cli.ts
projectId: '', to projectId: 'YOURKEY'
the same in environments/environment.ts
SANITY_API_VERSION:"2022-11-15", to most recent date
To solve Buffer or Node.js Classes dependencies run
npm install --save @types/node
and edit the tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["node"],
"typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"]
To stop the Angular CLI warnings about commonjs
// angular.json
"build": {
"options": {
"allowedCommonJsDependencies": [
Change the API version :
Errors related to imports just add
To draw HTML properly
import { toHTML } from "@portabletext/to-html";
this.yourVar = toHTML(res.content);
<div [innerHTML]="yourVar"></div>
Run the angular project
ng serve
You can use
ng deploy
and select if you want :
- Amazon S3
- Firebase
- Netlify
- Npm
- Github Pages
also you can use the command
npm run deploy
this make an optimize bundle and deploy to firebase you can change it just removing the
&& firebase deploy
and replacing with the command to another hosting