Test task for Akvelon
Numeric format translator Implement logic that translates stringified integer value into numeric format.
Sample: “123345” -> 123345, “-123345” -> -123345, “+1” -> 1
- empty string is not applicable
- Length of the input string: 2 ≤ |s| ≤ 232-1
- String should contain positive and negative numeric values in stringified format from the range [0-9] and arithmetical operation signs [‘+’, ‘-’] before numeric value
- Decimal values are not applicable in this task
Functional Description: Application should utilize class NumberFormatter and method parseInt that has input param string and returns integer value. It is not allowed to use built-in programming utilities or third-party libraries provided by a specific programming language for a string to integer conversion logic.
Testing Notes Application should contains at least 5 unit-tests
Code-Style conventions Application should contains code documentation, code should be clear, self-documented and follow Google Style Guides