AngularAndSpring Public
This is an example application to show howto use Spring Boot 3, Angular 19, Kafka with Streams and Mongodb with the reactive features of Spring in a clean architecture and a Helm chart for the Kube…
AngularPortfolioMgr Public
This is an project to show the use of Angular 19, Spring Boot 3, H2/Postgresql with Jpa, Liquibase, Kafka and Gradle and a Helm chart for a Kubernetes deployment. The frontend uses D3 for charts. F…
ReactAndGo Public
A project with React in the frontend and Go/Gin/Gorm in the backend, MQTT Messaging, Cron Jobs and a Postgresql Db. Db schema updates are done with Gorms Migrator. Security is done with Golang-Jwt.…
MovieManager Public
This project shows howto use Angular 19 and Spring Boot 3 and Jpa with a Maven build in clean architecture. For development/production the H2/Postgresql databases are used. The databases are manage…
AngularPwaMessenger Public
This is an encrypted Angular 19 PWA messenger application with an AI friend that can work offline and has a reactive Spring Boot 3 backend with a MongoDB to store the messages in a clean architectu…
AngularAndSpringWithMaps Public
This project shows howto use Angular 19 and Bing Maps and Spring Boot 3 and Jpa with a Gradle build in clean architecture. For the communication between the frontend and the backend GraphQl is used…
AIDocumentLibraryChat Public
A project to show howto use SpringAI with OpenAI to chat with the documents in a library. Documents are stored in a normal/vector database. The AI is used to create embeddings from documents that a…
SimpleDataStreamPipelines Public
Simple Efficient Spring/Kafka DataStreams. Datastreams have a source to create Kafka events from and send them to Kafka. The DataStream sink receives the events and sends them to the destination.
3 Microservices with a unified frontend of 3 Microfrontends based on Self Containted Systems architecture using a Postgresql Db each. The Microservices are build with Typescript/NestJs, Kotlin/Spri…
Angular2AndJavaEE Public
This project should provide a starting point for people interested in using Angular 19 in a Java / Jakarta EE environment.
ngx-simple-charts Public
Angular 19+ library for D3 based line, bar, donut and date/timeline charts with multiple entry points. A configurable service for token handling is provided.
go-actuator Public
Forked from socialsky-io/go-actuatorGolang production-ready features
AngularWithIonic Public archive
This project shows howto use Angular with the Ionic Framework to build a mobile App.
DbImporter Public archive
This project shows howto import of larger Csv/Json files in a Db with a reactive stream of Spring Boot.