The Pro-log WebEngine is an engine of a web-site, that allows to edit pages and manage users.
You can find the latest version under the link:
Download files from repository. Ensure that the data base is connected. Edit css-style and layouts to individualize your web-site. Release and upload to the host.
Please see the file called “LICENSE”. If you use this engine you have to maintain words "Free engine by web-studio "Pro-Log"" in footer.
The Pro-log WebEngine implements ASP.NET MVC-pattern. Data are stored in MS Express database. For authentication the SimpleMembershipProvider is used. Html-content is edited in TinyMCE-Editor.
The application was created with Visual Studio 2013.
Please do not hesitate to inform author about bug you met using e-mail from “Contacts” section.
Natalia Zgazhelskaia
You can contact me using e-mail [email protected]