Designed for Beginner's
- This course is for absolute beginners
- Feel free to move ahead
- Help others when you can
- Be patient and nice
- You will get through it!
(Brace yourself...)
- A web browser to see what we're working on as others see it (Recommend Google Chrome: [] (
- A text editor to modify your files (Recommend the Visual Studio Code:
- Download the tutorial files on this page within the zip file
- Go to
- Click on the button on the right-hand side that says "Download ZIP"
- Go to your downloads folder and double click on the .zip file to unzip it
- From Visual Studio Code: File > open folder, select the folder and then click "Open"
- Now go through all the files :)
Patience! Setting up your computer takes time and can be tricky, especially across platforms.
Once you're ready, you can move onto the next lesson.
- Upload Initial Learning Files for Html, Css, Javascript, jQuery
- Sort Project Structure
- Documentation and help/reference links inside files
- More jQuery Examples
- Add Additional Learning Resources Links on ReadMe file
- Add Project Examples Source Code Licence to MIT
- Add Bootstrap Examples
- 3 Sample Projects
The content of this project itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT license.