Antivirus API is a monolithic Django-based antivirus scanning solution that provides file scanning functionality with asynchronous background processing using Celery, RabbitMQ as a message broker, and Redis as a result backend. It also includes JWT authentication for secure access. This document explains the project’s features, installation, configuration, and usage.
- Features
- Requirements
- Installation and Setup
- Running the Application
- API Endpoints
- Usage Examples
- Troubleshooting
- Testing
- Contributing
- License
- Monolithic Architecture: All functionality (user authentication, file scanning, and background task processing) is managed within one codebase.
- JWT Authentication: Secure access using JSON Web Tokens.
- File Scanning: Submit files to be scanned for malicious patterns using YARA rules.
- Asynchronous Processing: Celery processes file scans in the background, ensuring the API remains responsive.
- RabbitMQ & Redis Integration: RabbitMQ is used as the message broker for Celery tasks and Redis for storing task results.
- Dockerized Deployment: Easily run and manage the application using Docker and Docker Compose.
- Python 3.12+
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- NPM 11.1.0+
- Docker & Docker Compose (for containerized deployment)
Note: Although RabbitMQ and Redis are external services, their respective Docker images are used in the docker-compose configuration.
git clone
cd antivirus_api
Your project comes with a docker-compose.yml
file that defines the following services:
- web: Runs the Django application via Gunicorn on port 8000.
- rabbitmq: RabbitMQ message broker.
- redis: Redis for task result storage.
- celery: Celery worker processing tasks.
- frontend: React/Vite frontend service on port 5173.
To build and run all services:
docker-compose up --build
To stop all services:
docker-compose down
The project is configured to run on port 8000, so you can access the frontend at:
If running locally:
python -m venv venv
# On Windows:
# On macOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
If you’re using Docker, these will be installed during the Docker build. Otherwise, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you configure the following in your settings or via environment variables:
(set toamqp://guest@rabbitmq//
(set toredis://redis:6379/0
for Docker)
python createsuperuser
python runserver
celery -A antivirus_api worker --loglevel=info --pool=solo
Obtain Token:
- URL:
POST /api/token/
- Payload:
{ "username": "your_username", "password": "your_password" }
- Response:
{ "access": "your_jwt_access_token", "refresh": "your_jwt_refresh_token" }
- URL:
Refresh Token:
- URL:
POST /api/token/refresh/
- Payload:
{ "refresh": "your_jwt_refresh_token" }
- Response:
{ "access": "new_jwt_access_token" }
- URL:
- Scan File:
- URL:
POST /api/scan/
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <your_jwt_access_token>
- Payload: Multipart form data containing a file.
- Response:
{ "task_id": "2500c1a3-3a7f-4aeb-bac1-f9c6f4b3d966" }
- URL:
- Get Scan Result:
GET /api/results/{task_id}/
Authorization: Bearer <your_jwt_access_token>
Response Example (Final Result):
{ "status": "malicious", "report": { "matched_rules": [ "PackedFile", "AntiReverseEngineering", "RansomwareBehavior", "HeuristicAnomaly" ], "detail": "The file complies with YARA rules." } }
Interim Responses:
While the scan is running, you may receive:{ "status": "Processing..." }
{ "status": "Waiting..." }
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/token/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username": "your_username", "password": "your_password"}'
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/scan/ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your_jwt_access_token" \
-F "file=@/path/to/your/file.exe"
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/results/2500c1a3-3a7f-4aeb-bac1-f9c6f4b3d966/ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your_jwt_access_token"
Celery Connection Errors:
is set to use the service name (e.g.,rabbitmq
) in Docker and that RabbitMQ is healthy (use healthchecks in Docker Compose). -
CORS Issues:
CORS is allowed by default in this project for development (CORS_ALLOW_ALL_ORIGINS = True
). -
JWT Authentication Failures:
Ensure that your tokens are valid and stored in localStorage under the key"token"
Contributions are welcome! Please submit pull requests or open issues on GitHub. Make sure to update tests and documentation accordingly.
This project is open-sourced under the MIT License.