HTML banners with focusing on pure CSS and JavaScript animation and interaction with the user's events also performance and size matters.
You need to install Node js on your system.
After installing Node js, open your terminal (command line) in the root directory of the app and run the command npm install
After the installation, you can run the command npm run dev
to start the app. It will be served on http://localhost:9000.
There are no CSS or JS libraries used for this project. However these tools have been used:
- Parcel.js as the application bundler
- Eslint as the linter
- Prettier as the code formatter
- Sass as the css preprocessor
To see each banner on development or build please change these lines on package.json to banner folder name
- "main": "src/banner-folder-name/js/main-script.js"
- "parcel src/banner-folder-name/index.html --port 9000"
- "parcel build src/banner-folder-name/index.html"
- "src/banner-folder-name/assets"
banner folder name: apple-watch
banner folder name: remote-work