As outlined in the Hyland Alfresco support policy, pre-built container images are intended as reference for creating your own customized images, incorporating deployment guidelines, security best practices, and any necessary custom extensions. While this policy remains unchanged, we are supporting the community further by open-sourcing the Alfresco Dockerfiles Bakery, a tool designed to simplify the deployment of the Alfresco platform and assist you in building tailored container images, with the help of Docker Bake.
- Alfresco Dockerfiles Bakery π
Building images requires the following tools:
- A recent enough Docker installation (with
support) - Credentials to access the Alfresco artifacts (Nexus server), if building Enterprise images
- Some common unix tools:
- Python 3 with pyyaml (
pip install pyyaml
) for fetching artifacts via
Configuring the authentication to Alfresco Nexus server must be done using one
of the standard wget
configuration files, like ~/.netrc
Using your preferred editor, create ~/.netrc
with the following contents:
login myuser
password mypassword
Make sure to make the file non-world readable:
chmod 600 ~/.netrc
If you do not plan on applying specific customizations but just want to get Alfresco images updated (e.g. with the latest OS security patches), you can simply run the command below from the root of this project:
make enterprise
or for Community edition:
make community
This command will build locally all the docker images this project offers.
For more information on the available images, browse the top level folders,
excluding artifacts_cache
, scripts
and test
For more information on the available targets, run:
make help
Below are some environment variables which can be used to customize the build process:
: The registry where the images will be pushed (authentication is ensured by themake
: The namespace where the images will be pushed (e.g. REGISTRY/REGISTRY_NAMESPACE/IMAGE_NAME:TAG)TAG
: The tag to use for the images (default islatest
: The architecture to build the images for (default is the architecture of the system where the build is run). See Supported Architectures for more information.BAKE_NO_CACHE
: Set to1
to disable the cache during the build processBAKE_NO_PROVENANCE
: Set to1
to not add provenance metadata during the build process. This is mostly useful if your registry do not support it.
For example, to build multi-arch images for ARM64 and X86_64 and push them to a custom registry, you can run the following command:
export REGISTRY=myecr.domain.tld REGISTRY_NAMESPACE=myalfrescobuilds TARGETARCH=linux/amd64,linux/arm64
make all
The Alfresco Content Repository image can be customized by adding different types of files in the right locations:
- Alfresco Module Packages (AMPs) files in the amps
- Enterprise-only AMPs files in the amps-enterprise folder
- Community-only AMPs files in the amps-community folder
- Additional JAR files for the JRE in the libs folder
Depending on the environment where you plan to run the docker images you build, it is possible to build Alfresco images the following architectures:
- X86_64 (linux/amd64): Regular intel processor based systems
- ARM64 (linux/arm64): ARM processor based systems (e.g. Apple Silicon or AWS Graviton)
By default, the images are built for the architecture of the system where the build is run.
To build images for a specific architecture, you can set the TARGETARCH
environment variable to the desired architecture.
For example, to build all Alfresco images for ARM64, you can run the following
export TARGETARCH=linux/arm64
make all
To build just a specific image use you'll need to use docker buildx bake
directly, but the TARGETARCH
environment variable also works:
export TARGETARCH=linux/arm64
docker buildx bake tengine_imagemagick
Images can be built with multi-arch support. This is done by using the same environment variable as above, and passing target architectures as a comma-separated list. By doing so, you're not solely build an image and its manifest, but a list of manifests for each target architecture. That makes it possible to reference the same image name and tag, and have the right image pulled for the right architecture.
export TARGETARCH=linux/amd64,linux/arm64
make all
It's important to note that building multi-arch images requires the use of Docker BuildKit, which is enabled by default in Docker 20.10 and later and also requires images to be pushed to a registry that supports multi-arch.
exporter in BuildKit.
In order to produce multi-arch images one needs to:
- Set the REGISTRY environment variable to the target registry
- Set the REGISTRY_NAMESPACE environment variable to the target namespace
The make
wrapper would handle the authentication part for you:
export REGISTRY=myecr.domain.tld REGISTRY_NAMESPACE=myalfrescobuilds TARGETARCH=linux/amd64,linux/arm64
make repo
You can also run bake directly but you need to be sure to have done the
authentication before running the docker buildx bake
command with an
additional argument to tell the tool to push the images to the registry:
export REGISTRY=myecr.domain.tld REGISTRY_NAMESPACE=myalfrescobuilds TARGETARCH=linux/amd64,linux/arm64
docker buildx bake repo --set *.output=type=registry,push=true
Versions of artifacts being downloaded specific to the ACS version are defined in artifacts.json
files for each component.
To build older version pass ACS_VERSION
env to make command.
- ACS 23 (current) -
section inartifacts.json
files - set by default - ACS 7.4 -
section inartifacts.json
files - ACS 7.3 -
section inartifacts.json
make enterprise ACS_VERSION=74
When using make
, it sets the correct version of Tomcat based on the ACS version.
If you want to build older version of images using docker buildx bake
it is
required to set the Tomcat versions manually in bake file or using env
export TOMCAT_VERSIONS_FILE=tomcat/tomcat_versions.yaml
export TOMCAT_MAJOR=$(yq e '.tomcat9.major' $TOMCAT_VERSIONS_FILE)
export TOMCAT_VERSION=$(yq e '.tomcat9.version' $TOMCAT_VERSIONS_FILE)
export TOMCAT_SHA512=$(yq e '.tomcat9.sha512' $TOMCAT_VERSIONS_FILE)
docker buildx bake tomcat_base
Before switching build to other version clean the artifacts using make clean
then fetch correct version with e.g.:
make clean prepare ACS_VERSION=74
Artifacts set in the artifacts file are fetched from the Nexus repository and
their checksum is verified, provided the artifact has a checksum value which is
a concatenation of the algorithm and optionally the checksum in the format
. If the checksum is not provided, the script will
try to fetch it from the Nexus repository reusing the computed artifact url and
appending the .algorithm
extension to it.
Once the images are built, you can test them locally using either Helm or Docker Compose.
Follow the general instructions for installing Alfresco on
until the point where you have to run helm install
If the images has not been pushed to a remote repository, you can easily load all the locally built images in the local KinD cluster with:
kind load docker-image $(docker images --format "{{.Repository}}" | grep "^localhost/alfresco" | xargs)
Before running the helm install
command, you need adjust the registry and
image namespace references in the provided
test-overrides.yaml file:
REGISTRY=localhost REGISTRY_NAMESPACE=alfresco TAG=latest
sed -i "s|localhost/alfresco/|${REGISTRY}/${REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/|g" test/helm/test-overrides.yaml
sed -i "s|tag: latest|tag: ${TAG}|g" test/helm/test-overrides.yaml
If you are testing the community edition, you also need to adjust the image references for the Share and Repository images:
sed -i "s|/alfresco-content-repository|/alfresco-content-repository-community|g" test/helm/test-overrides.yaml
sed -i "s|/alfresco-share|/alfresco-share-community|g" test/helm/test-overrides.yaml
Then you can finally run helm install
passing as values the provided files.
For enterprise edition:
helm install acs alfresco/alfresco-content-services \
--values=test/helm/enterprise-integration-test-values.yaml \
--values=test/helm/test-overrides.yaml \
--values=test/helm/test-overrides-enterprise.yaml \
--atomic \
--timeout 10m0s \
--namespace alfresco
For community edition:
helm install acs alfresco/alfresco-content-services \
--values=test/helm/community_values.yaml \
--values=test/helm/community-integration-test-values.yaml \
--values=test/helm/test-overrides.yaml \
--values=test/helm/test-overrides-community.yaml \
--set$(openssl rand -hex 24) \
--atomic \
--timeout 10m0s \
You can use Docker Compose to test the built images locally as follows:
Fetch upstream compose definitions from acs-deployment repository:
git clone
Copy the compose files from the acs-deployment repository to the test folder of this repository:
cp -r acs-deployment/docker-compose/* test/
Run compose together with one of the available override files, which allow you to easily reference built images using
format:REGISTRY=localhost REGISTRY_NAMESPACE=alfresco TAG=latest docker compose -f test/compose.yaml -f test/enterprise-override.yaml up -d
For community edition instead:
REGISTRY=localhost REGISTRY_NAMESPACE=alfresco TAG=latest docker compose -f test/community-compose.yaml -f test/community-override.yaml up -d
The images built by this project may be scanned for vulnerabilities using Grype,
if the grype
binary is available in the PATH.
Grype is an open-source scanner for container images, ideal for identifying recent vulnerabilities, especially within base OS images. While it supports application libraries, it lacks reachability analysis, meaning it cannot confirm whether vulnerabilities are actually exploitable in the context of the application. For accurate insights, refer to Alfresco Security bulletins and contact Hyland support, as these sources provide vetted information after manual triaging of scanner findings within the application code. Remember to always assess findings within the context of your specific deployment.
If you want to run the security scan manually, you can use the following command:
make grype GRYPE_TARGET=repo GRYPE_OPTS="-f high --only-fixed --ignore-states wont-fix"
You can pass GRYPE_OPTS
to override the default options passed to Grype, which
by default exit with a non-zero status if any vulnerability greater than high is
found and is filtering out known issues for which a fix is not available (yet or
You can also run grype automatically at the end of the build process by setting
make all GRYPE_ONBUILD=1
- Ensure that the supported-matrix reflects the status of the currently released Alfresco products and update if necessary before proceeding.
- Ensure that every
is in sync with the related acs version in everyartifacts-*.yaml
files for bothrepository
images. - Run the updatecli workflow and review the changes.
Once everything has been merged to master, you can proceed to create a release with:
gh release create v8.6.0 -t v8.6.0 --generate-notes -d
Finally review the autogenerated release notes, remove not so interesting changes (e.g. GHA tuning and dependabot), highlight most interesting ones for the end users and publish the release.