##Project Overview
- Language : Python2
- Author : Proux Alexandre, Digital Designer
- Date : 2016
- Status : Ongoing development
The aim of this project is to develop a generic script able to parse a given vhdl file and generate a testbench preloaded with entity / signals.
$python2.7 tb_gen.py file.vhd
- This will create a file_tb.vhd
- You just have to a write testbench scenario (stimulus process) and you should be good to go
##Features :
- Recognize Entity
- Recognize Generics
- Recognize Signals
- Instantiate Signals
- Recognize Clock signals
- Recognize Reset signals
##Not implemented/ Ongoing :
*Testbench Regenaration-> rewrite all the file but the main stimulus OR rewrite the stimulus with new signals. *Generate basic Modelsim waveform file "wave.do"