Scala Design Patterns is intended to provide various use case scenarios and architectural concepts on prototyping adaptive applications.
mkdocs.yml # Configuration file.
docs/ # General information # Table of contents
units/ # Design patterns and architectural concepts # Scenarios in practice # Typical use cases
user-guide/ # Changelog page # Code of conduct page # Code owners page # Dependency page # Description page # FAQ page # Getting started page # Troubleshooting page # Upgrade page
reporting/ # Informational page # Issue template page # Bug report template # Custom report template # Feature request template # Pull request template
contributing/ # Contributing page
links/ # Links page
The Website documentation is provided by gitbook and can be discovered at url:
To enable documentation serving at localhost you can run the following script
otherwise, the next steps should be considered:
1) Install/upgrade pip command-line utility:
pip install --upgrade pip
or if you need to install pip for the first time:
wget --no-check-certificate
2) Install the mkdocs package using pip:
pip install mkdocs
or more conveniently for Windows subsystem:
python -m pip install mkdocs
python -m mkdocs
3) Install the material theme for the website:
python -m pip install mkdocs-material
python -m pip install markdown-include
(see requirements.txt)
4) Start the server at localhost by running the following command:
python -m mkdocs build --clean --config-file mkdocs.yml
python -m mkdocs serve --verbose --dirtyreload
5) Deploy to GitHub pages:
python -m mkdocs --verbose gh-deploy --force --remote-branch gh-pages
5) Open up localhost in browser to get the default documentation homepage.
Running k8s cluster with tilt command by acquiring k8s deployment configuration:
tilt up
Shutting down k8s cluster with provisioned resources removal:
tilt down --delete-namespaces
The project uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Scala Patterns is maintained by the following GitHub team-members:
with community support please contact with us if you have some question or proposition.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us (emoji key).
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Scala Patterns is distributed under LGPL version 3 or later, [License]. LGPLv3 is additional permissions on top of GPLv3.
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