See COPYING file for licence information.
###Unix (including Mac OS X) source distribution###
If you have downloaded a source distribution (e.g. nexus-4.3.0.tar.gz) then you will already have a file called "configure" and the basic sequence to follow is:
./configure # use sh ./configure if this does not work
make check
make install
This may not, however, build all the nexus utilities and binding you require, and may also locate the wrong HDF libraries and final installation directory. Thus you will probably need to pass some options to "configure" to control this.
General information about "configure" is located in the file called INSTALL.
To see a list of possible options type:
./configure --help
HDF libraries used by nexus are available via your system software package manager or can be downloaded from
A typical run of configure might be:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nexus --with-hdf5=/usr/local/hdf5
###Unix (including Mac OS X) git checkout###
As the "configure" file mentioned is a generated file, it is not included in the version control checkout. To create it run:
and then follow the same procedure as above. You may also want to look at the README.developers file.