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  • Edit Diagram
  • Import / Export Diagram
  • Download SVG
  • Clear Diagram
  • Diagram Settings
  • Start Simulation
  • End Simulation
  • Number of products

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Design Patterns

    1. Producer/consumer:
    • we applied that by making each machine a thread that works relying on a queue so that if the queue is empty the thread stops and if the queue has an element it starts.
    1. Snapshot:
    • we applied that by making a memento class that has a queue for states and make an Originator class that saves a queue in it we use it to save the color queue to reuse it in case we redo the simulation.
    1. Observer:
    • we applied it by making our own queue class and make it extend observable and make the machine extends observer and each machine observes the queue that is connected to it to know if it showed start or not.
    1. Singleton:
    • we applied it by making a singleton class to hold some data that we want our whole program to access which is the color of each machine so that our 1. controller class can know the colors of the machines without having to access each machine and the color gets changed by the machine itself. We use it to hold the status of the process and we do that by sending the number of the products and the final queue so we check the number of products in the final queue and if it equals the total number of the products then we have reached the end of the simulation and we end the machine threads.


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